❥ malleus' proposal

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ೃ༄ category: what-if scenarios
╰┈➤ filetype: wattpad request

╰┈➤ wattpad request: ❝ Just read the other book, can i request malleus' proposal pls? 💕

╰┈➤ sent by: HolyPP123


f/n and malleus are walking down the main street, having their usual nightly strolls. malleus babbled on about the series of gargoyles as they passed by them, whilst f/n walked silently beside him with her arms tucked behind her, listening to malleus with a small smile on her face.

"and this gargoyle over here, well... it certainly looks excellent. the craft of this particular one seems to be using modern techniques, indicating that this was made not too long ago," rambled malleus, "as we walk down the main street, it's as if we are viewing the history of it."

"how interesting," remarked f/n, "this certainly wasn't around when we passed by this area a few months ago." malleus hummed before pausing on his tracks as he turned to look at f/n, "...this is also the same place where i professed my love to you."

the diasomnia first year smiled and said, "yes, i do remember that as clear as day." malleus then grabbed an item from his pocket as he kneeled down and showed the bright diamond ring resting on a velvet box, "then... i suppose i can do this now..." 

f/n's eyes widened as she thought to herself, 'the king is kneeling down...! for me...!

"y-your highness! please get up! your trousers might get dirty!" panicked f/n.

malleus shook his head as if to dismiss her words, "you are worth kneeling down for... lady f/n l/n, you have made me feel special more than once. at first, i did not understand this feeling and all i thought was just adoration for someone as strong-willed as you. though it is your job to protect me from harm, i can't help but want to protect you as well. you have been an influential figure in my life, and i certainly do not want to reign over briar valley when my queen is not you... so, will you do me the honour to become the happiest man alive... and marry me?"

unbeknownst to f/n, tears have started pooling in her eyes as she covered her mouth with both hands in disbelief, "mal... of course... yes, i'll marry you...!"

the diasomnia dorm head looked surprised before sliding the ring into her finger. he immediately stood up and pulled f/n by the waist before planting a kiss on her lips. f/n wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss and forgetting about the tears staining her cheeks. 

as they pulled away, malleus wiped a tear from her cheek before planting a soft kiss on her forehead. "now, my darling, why the tears?" asked the dragon fae. f/n sniffled as she smiled before burying her face on his chest, "i was not expecting it, that's all... now, how do i break this news to my father?"

malleus' eyes widened slightly as he said, "oh... right, major general l/n must know. ahaha, no need to fret, dear. we can share the news right now. let's head back to briar valley." f/n looked up at malleus in shock, "now?! we haven't even broken the news to lilia and the rest...!"

"they'll know as soon as we pass the news to the palace."


"we're getting married," announced malleus as he and f/n brought up the engagement ring to showcase it to a shocked vincent. f/n's father stood there with wide eyes and jaw dropped in shock, not knowing how to react to this news. aelyn and rachel were also in the same room as them, causing the two to have the same reaction as vincent. 

f/n immediately felt uneasy as she stood close to malleus, whilst the dorm head pulled her close by the waist. aelyn was the first to break the silence as she immediately jumped off her seat and tackled f/n into a hug, "OH MY GOSH, NEE-SAN!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! that means you're going to be queen!"

vincent suddenly started sobbing as he wiped his tears away, "i can't believe it... i have lived long enough to witness my eldest daughter getting married... to the young master, nonetheless!" f/n did not know how to react to see her father sobbing right in front of her. the mere idea of this powerful, deadly man crying and showing his vulnerability is something she wasn't used to. 

he then approached the two as he tackled them into a hug, "i am so happy for you two... young master, you may be our king, but that still doesn't mean i won't warn you. treat my daughter well or it will be hell for you."

"y-yes, of course... sir..." trailed malleus, shocked from vincent's sudden threat. vincent immediately smiled as if he had not said anything concerning, "call me 'dad'! we're basically family now, anyway!"


up next: genderbent f/n

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