❥ riddle's proposal

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ೃ༄ category: what-if scenarios╰┈➤ filetype: tumblr request

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ೃ༄ category: what-if scenarios
╰┈➤ filetype: tumblr request

╰┈➤ tumblr request:Hey!! I recently finished the 121 chapters of your FF on wattpad and i was wondering if you could make a headcanon for the book on where F/N chooses to marry Riddle and how the other boys react (Silver, Malleus, Lilia, Idia and Leona). Thank you if you do this! (Btw i loved the FF!) <3

╰┈➤ sent by: anonymous


f/n stood before vincent, her father, as she eyed him with a blank gaze and said, "father... i have decided to accept rosehearts' engagement."

vincent's eyes widened as he looked at his eldest daughter, "really?"


vincent was silent for a moment. it wasn't that he did not approve of it, he was just surprised that it took months for f/n to finalise her decision instead of the agreed time set by both mrs. rosehearts and vincent.

"alright," voiced vincent, "i shall pass on this news to mrs. rosehearts."

f/n bowed her head before turning around and leaving his study. as soon as she closed the door, she let out a heavy sigh and calmed her racing heart. though she decided to marry riddle of her own accord, she was worried about how she will share this news with her friends, specifically those who showed apparent interest in her.

it took only a few days until she received the news that their wedding will be after riddle's graduation; which is 2 years.

f/n was currently in night raven college, seeing as she only dropped by briar valley for a short visit to her father's study. she had no troops to train as it was passed on to her dad and her royal instructor, edward.

now that she made her final decision, all that's left is to deliver the news to her friends.

leona kingscholar

"riddle and i are getting married in two years."

as soon as those words escaped f/n's lips, leona froze on his spot before letting out a scoff. 


f/n shrugged and mumbled, "thought i should let you know about it... well, i better get going now."

"...i hope he takes care of you."

the diasomnia student glanced at leona before letting out a hum, "mhm... i'm sure he will..."

'whoever you choose, i hope he makes you happy...' thought leona as he faced away from the diasomnia student and closed his eyes, trying his best to fall into a deep sleep to forget about the shocking news that he had just received.

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