Chapter Ten - Trip?

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DISCLAIMER- foul language (LOL XD)
(Most of this story will be Rachel's POV)

Caleb's POV

I showed up at Rachel's school yesterday to try to get her back, but then she said that she had a new guy? I wanted to show her that I was better than him, so I started to fake cry (acting school) and I kissed her, and she kissed back... I knew she still loved me. I will get her back... Even if it's the last thing I do.

Rachel's POV

Finn hasn't been showing up for's been 5 days. I just hope he's okay.

in 5th period, during glee club I got a text from him saying...

"Rachel, I'm sorry that I haven't been talking to you, I love you so so so much, but I have one question, why?
I was the one that became your friend, I was the one that was there for you when you couldn't stand. And this is how you repay be? By fucking cheating on me? I'm sorry but I don't think we can be together anymore, I'm not saying that we can't be friends, but we may get back together in the future, but until then, if we do get back together, that is I just need sometime to myself, I love you so much." -F

After I got done reading it I ran out of the room. I couldn't breathe, I felt like someone had put a plastic bag over my head and was sucking the air out with a vacuum, I just couldn't catch my breath, sobbing probably wasn't helping either.

When I ran out of the room, Quinn can running after me once she caught up to me she tackled me, causing me to fall to the ground in her arms.

Quinn: "Rachel! Rachel! Shhhh, shhhhh it's okay, it's okay."

She was flatting my hair, and hugging me.

Once I had stopped sobbing I was deeply dehydrated and had to go get a drink. When I came back she was sitting on the lockers waiting for me, I slid down the lockers, so I was sitting next to her. "are you okay? What happened?" She asked concerned. "I'll tell you later, okay? I just can't handle it right now." I said choking up again. She went in for a hug, and we just sat there, her holding me until 5th period ended, which was for a good 15 minutes.

After school I was getting my stuff, when Quinn came up to me and said, "Rachel I'm about to tell you something, and your not going to argue, okay? Nod of you understand..." I nodded "you're coming home with me tonight and and you're going to spend the night, we're going to eat ice cream, and watch movies, okay? Understand?" I nodded "okay, let's leave." She said interlocking arms with me.

I got to her house and I burst back into tears and we did the whole thing over again just like 5th period. Expect this time I told her what happened. "Caleb came into h-history and said t-hat that he moved here for me and he wanted to get back together and then he kissed me! And I kissed back! I'm so fucking mad at myself!" "Rachel" she said frowning "I know I know I'm so stupid." I said getting at what she was saying. "Rachel, I'm about to ask you something, and you have to be 100% honest okay? Do you still have feeling for Caleb?" She said waiting for an answer "No, yes, maybe, I don't know. I'm just so confused!"

We watched a movie and went to sleep.

Quinn's POV

I woke up Rachel at 6:30am I know she usually gets up at 5:00am but I think she needed the rest plus, school starts at 8:30 so I think it will give her enough time to get ready and eat. She was in the shower for an hour... I was starting to get nervous. When she got out, and I got in she screamed "QUINN! I DONT HAVE ANY CLOTHES!" I screamed back "BOTTOM DRAWER!" She always left clothes here when she spent the night. When I got out I heard her say "oh that's where that went!" I laughed so hard at that, I don't really know why, and she started laughing because I was laughing so hard. She she got serious "Finn made me lau-"
I interrupted her by saying "shut up you made a promise not to talk about him for 3 days" "I know I know I'm sorry." She apologized "now hurry up or were gonna be late!" I said throwing her jeans at her.

Rachel's POV

This morning was the first time that I felt happy since Finn broke up with me Which I know was only yesterday, but it felt like literally 2 weeks, the time went by soo slow. I hope Finn isn't at school today, because I can't think about him with out crying let alone seeing him. I hope he's as hurt as I am... Which I guess I deserve this, I did kiss him back.

I saw Caleb in history and I wanted to walk up to him and slap him. I sit next to Finn since we changed seats, so I asked if I could change seats and the teacher said I would have to sit next to Caleb if I really wanted to switch. I haven't seen Finn today so I just sat back down where I normally sit. About 20 minutes into class, Finn walks in his face was puffy and red like he just got done crying and at the sight of that I could start to feel my eyes start to burn so I quickly grabbed my stuff and spun around and sat next to Caleb and he tried to hug me but I said a little to loud "get off of me!" And ran out the door sobbing. Texted Quinn "Bathroom... NOW. And bring mascara."

She texted back instantly "okay be there in 30 secs"

She got into the bathroom and she said very quietly "Rachel? Rachel?" "Last stall" I croaked. "What am I gonna do?" I said to Quinn fixing my now running mascara. "We are gonna skip the last 4 days of the week, and we're gonna go out of town and we're gonna get you a new man." She said with excitement. "Wait, there's no way that my dad would let me skip 4 days of school to get over a boy." I said complaining "that's why we ask Shuester to say that everyone is going to the showchoir hall of fame or something and then he'll let you go." She said with an grin "you are an evil genius!" I said hugging her and giggling.

A/N hey guys I hope you enjoyed the really long chapter! It was fun to make I have a lot of great ideas for the next couple chapters :)

💗xoxo -Micayla

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