Chapter 15 - Date

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Finn's POV

She wouldn't say anything I felt tears well up in my eyes... I couldn't let her see me cry. Then I stared her right in the eye and said "Rachel..." I knew her answer. Then she shook her head no and I lost it.

Rachel's POV

I couldn't, I just couldn't I really loved him then he just shattered my heart but I had an exception, "I won't be your girlfriend, but you can take me out to dinner, then we'll see what happens." As soon as I said that I saw his eyes glimmer with hope and before he said anything I said "I'll be at your house at 7." And walked away I could hear him whisper loudly, "Thank you so much God!" It's cute how happy he was, maybe he actually want me back, and I want him back but I didn't want him to think I was that easy to get back even though I was.

Caleb's POV

When Finn came back and told me what had happened I was genuinely happy for him, she makes him happy.

After school ended I went over to his house and we played Xbox and helped him get ready, hey guys need help too, like some need ALOT... Like he wanted to wear jeans, to breadstix on a date. And I drove home and grabbed my dad's tux and threw it on him. The arms were a little short but whatever.

Rachel's POV

I called over Quinn and forced her to help me get ready. I wore a light blue knew length dress with a black satin ribbon going across my middle, and Quinn French braided my hair and put it in a loose bun with a bobby pin with a bow on it, then I did little makeup not too much, and some black glossy pumps, just so I could reach his lips a little easier. ;)

I got to his house at 7 and Caleb was there? That's weird. We got to breadstix and I remember why I fell in love with him, he makes me feel safe, and happy, and... Loved.

When we left he drove me to my house. He kissed my hand "bitch please give me a real kiss." I said jumping for his lips, he said "I'm not going to argue with that." He bent down a little bit to kiss be on my lips and I deepened it and then after like a 10 second kiss I pulled away. I didn't say anything except "yes" and he was confused for a moment but then got it and hugged me and kissed me again and then ran to his truck and raced home... I'm guessing to tell Caleb? I laughed a little at his stupidity as I walked into my house.

A/N yayyyy finchel is back together!!!!

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