Chapter 18- doctors office

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Puck's POV

I feel really bad... I think I got Rachel pregnant and of courts I love her, but I love her as a sister not as a girl friend. If Rachel does end up pregnant, I will love that baby will all of my heart and soul.

Rachel's POV

I scheduled a sonogram and I have it at 12:40 today and that's during school so I have to forge a pass from my mom so they will let me go and WONT call her.

I was reading their extremely out dated vogue magazine in the lobby and I heard the nurse call my name "Rachel Berry?" "That's me!" I called back "just follow me back." She said with a smile.

I sat down on the seat and thought I hope I was far enough along its been 3 weeks and I still haven't told Finn yet. The doctor came in and said "so you think you might be pregnant?" "Yeah I think so I've had morning sickness like twice, so." I replied "ok we will get that cleared up for you. this may be a little cool." Cool my ass. He cleared his throat "well Rachel it looks like you are indeed pregnant."

A/N hey guys don't worry I have a plan

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