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A/N: its heavily implied in this chapter that john and blyke are trans bc i can :))

tw/cw: period mention/implication, dysphoria mention, birth control mention?? does that need to be warned kjdsaaa, again talking abt being not planned skjaksd, sexual implications, kink mentions, typical i wanna die humor

(all of thay sounds like it goes together but its all separate convos/parts of the convo kzdjbejd)


Adrion --> N/A
Arlo --> Daddy💞
Blyke --> meow meow
Claire --> N/A
Elaine --> Nurse Joy
Evie --> N/A
Holden --> N/A
Isen --> Raticate
John --> boytoy
Rei --> N/A
Remi --> Pinky
Sera --> N/A
Zirian --> N/A


< isemi shippers unite >

[12:29 PM]

Pinky: some girl in the bathroom stall next to me yelled out "YESSS I GOT MY PERIOD!!!!" and when we got out and washed our hands we highfived LMFAO

Rei: was this just at school or

Pinky: yeah

Rei: good for her

Sera: like i know why shes excited abt her period but god if i could be that excited about my period in general it would be OVER for yall

boytoy: ^

Evie: ^^

Pinky: ^^^

catboy: lol i take birth control so i dont have that problem

Raticate: HUH

catboy: they make me feel dysphoric sometimes

Raticate: ooohh
Raticate: me rlly out here thinking ur ass was getting laid 💀

boytoy: ^

Sera: ^^

Daddy💞: ^^^

Nurse Joy: ^^^^

Holden: ^^^^^

catboy: i-

Zirian: wow yall rlly just coming in him huh
Zirian: *for
Zirian: what have i done


Rei: you done fucked up thats what you did

Zirian: meh. nothing new
Zirian: accidents happen

Rei: me

Zirian: what

Rei: i was an accident
Rei: you know this

Nurse Joy: omg twinsies !!!!

catboy: ^

Rei: omg

Zirian: oh yeah isnt it like some family curse or smth

Rei: me being an accident??

Zirian: yeah

Evie: HUH

Rei: yeah lmao. so my moms had me when one of them was in junior yr of college and the other was a sophomore in college right?
Rei: well my mom's mom (the older mom) had had her in her junior yr of college. and my grandmas mom had her in her junior yr of college.
Rei: so yeah. either really fucked coincidence or family curse
Rei: and im in my junior yr of college so
Rei: fun ig

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