posting twice in the same day?? me?? no i couldnt possibly.... unless??

155 10 3

A/N: also to explain some things: i hc john as 5'8 and blyke as 5'6. theyre all too close in height i dont like it (is this actually just me self-projecting in a transmasc way?? nooooooo....). also i hc rei 6'2 bc i Need him to be. and zirian as 6'1 but his height has never been confirmed anyway so its not that important

tw/cw: sexual implications/references, isen, death related humor, near death experiences


Adrion --> N/A
Arlo --> Daddy💞
Blyke --> catboy
Claire --> N/A
Elaine --> Nurse Joy
Evie --> N/A
Holden --> N/A
Isen --> Raticate/moron
John --> boytoy/twerp
Rei --> chaos enthusiast
Remi --> Pinky/moronsexual
Sera --> N/A
Zirian --> dipshit


< isemi shippers unite >

[5:16 PM]

Rei: im gonna kms a student just came up to me after class and told me she wanted to suck my dick LIKE WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IM YOUR TEACHER NOT YOUR FRIEND

Sera: skahkjfhjasasjkksgah

Claire: oh yeah there were a few kids in my class like that

Adrion: theyre inevitable i think...

Zirian: can confirm. they are. they always happen

Raticate: are friends supposed to tell eachother they want to suck their dicks??????

Rei: i cant even say anything bc i actually have said that to a friend before

Pinky: HUH

Rei: listen i was drunk nd kuyo looked hot ok

Daddy💞: ew

Pinky: i-

catboy: wait arent u a college student how are u a teacher

Rei: im a ta

catboy: a what

Rei: teachers assistant
Rei: its a basic core freshman class so there are a shit ton of classes and students so i take some of the classes and teach them for the prof
Rei: honestly its kinda fun except when i have to grade stuff and shit like this happens
Rei: literally the 3rd time this week

Raticate: damn ig u must be hot then

Pinky: isen Please

Raticate: im horny and im gonna cause problems

Rei: i hope you get set on fire

Raticate: remi set me on fire once

catboy: HUH

Raticate: i made the mistake of letting her cook

Pinky: ...
Pinky: i didnt do that much damage


Pinky: :((

catboy: THAT WAS REMI?????


boytoy: wait what when did this happen

Sera: this was freshman year u werent here yet

boytoy: ohh
boytoy: yk sometimes i forget i transferred to wellston and that i didnt always just go here

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