Part 17 <Tommy, later, okay?> (Edited)

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Next day (Sunday)

I woke up. Tom is not laying next to me anymore. I got up and went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and did my skincare routine. I checked my bruises and....I wasn't surprised but disappointed. All of my bruises got much darker over night. Especially the ones on my stomach.

I sighed and decided to cover the monocle up with makeup, along with the rest of my face. I chose a natural look: baby pink eyeshadows, baby pink lipstick, mascara and simply brown eyebrow pencil, which is matching with my hair. Then I did my hair done and went downstairs, still in my pajamas. I was on my way to the kitchen when I smelt something. It smells nice but what is it? I came downstairs to the kitchen and saw Tom making something.

He's shirtless.

Y/n: M-morning....

He turned around, slightly startled, but then he smiled at me.

Tom: Good morning, darling! I'm making pancakes for you!

Y/n: Aww, that's nice! But you didn't have to!

Tom: I know, I wanted!

I blushed and sat down by the table, waiting patiently for Tom to get it done. I looked at the clock in the kitchen.

Y/n: It's 9:45 AM. When did you get up?

Tom: Around 8:15. Sorry I left you alone in bed.

Y/n: It's alright...

He put the pancakes on a plate and then he placed it on the table right in front of me.

Y/n: It looks nice!

Tom: Thanks!

He went around the table and then behind me to hug me around my shoulders. I placed my hands on his arms, closed my eyes, tilted my head back and pressed it against his stomach and relaxed, when all of a sudden, he started placing gentle kisses on m bruised neck. I didn't move. It felt nice but it was sudden and it startled me. Tom noticed and pulled away.

Tom: Sorry. You should eat. You haven't eaten much yesterday.

He said, stopped hugging me and went to the living room which's connected to the kitchen. I started eating the pancakes.

It tastes so good. It's nice from him that he made me breakfast. But what about him? Has he already eaten something? I mean, he's awake sice 8:15 AM, so I guess he already ate. I heard a TV from the living room, so I looked over my shoulder and saw him sitting on a couch, searching for something to watch.

I decided to join him, so I stood up and started making my way towards him. I didn't eat all of the pancakes. There were 10 pancakes and I ate just 3 of them. I'm not that hungry and they're a little big.

I reached Tom in the living room. I came from behind and placed my hands on his shoulders.
He tilted his head back and looked at me confusedly.
I randomly kissed his forehead. I just had the need to, so I went and did it.
He grabbed my hand and made me go around the couch to him. Then he pulled me down on his lap, to sit astride on him. He rested his hands on my hips and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Y/n: Hm? What is it?

Tom: Nothing, I just want to feel you more.

He said lowly, right into my ear, which sent chills down my spine. He caressed my cheek lovingly.

Tom: You didn't have to put your makeup on. I think that you're perfect with or without it. Or did you want to cover up the monocle...?

Y/n: Em......B-both...?

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