Part 48 <New York>

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He wraps my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, then he picks me up without breaking the kiss and walks with me to his desk and sits on the chair behind it, placing me on his lap. That's when our lips parted. My back is pressed against his chest and he starts filing some documents in the Word ap. It surprised me. That he let me see what he's doing. Filling up the contracts.. Most about buying something or selling something. But some things were written in hashtags. Like the product or the information about the company.

Y/n: Why is it written in hashtags?

Tom: Because it's private. If you click on it- *He clicked on the hashtags* this table will appear saying "enter the password" that only i have and I'm changing it every day.

Y/n: So how will your buyer know the informations he needs to know?

Tom: I'll send him a code that he will enter instead of the password. It will work for 30 seconds, then it will change to hashtags again.



It was cool but after 5 minutes i got bored.

Y/n: How long does it gonna taaaaake?

Tom: I already told youuuuuu! *He mimicks me*

-I groan-

Y/n: I'm bored.

-I start to play with my fingers-

Tom: Actually, there's something i wanted to ask you about.

Y/n: No good....

Tom: Heey! You're gonna like it, i promise!

Y/n: K, spit it out.

Tom: This weekend, I'm going to New York, and you're coming with me.

- I jumped a little, turned around to face him and my jaw dropped.-

-Tom starts laughing-

Y/n: What what what what what??

- He continues to laugh -

Y/n: Don't laugh and tell me what's going ooon!

Tom: So apparently, a friend of mine is organizing a ball there and we are invited.

Y/n: We?

Tom: Well me plus one person. And of course i want to choose you!

Y/n: This weekend? In New York?! And on a ball??!!! *i raised my voice as i became more excited*

Tom: Yes! But please stop yelling into my ear. *He chuckles*

Y/n: Right! Sorry!


Tom: So you want to go?

Y/n: Are you kidding??! Yes!!

-I hug him and he hugs back.-

Tom: I was worried you would deny.

Y/n: Well i would if we wouldn't clear things up between us.

-I pulled away to look at him-

Y/n: B-but i have nothing to wear for the ball!!

-He chuckles once again-

Tom: It's okay, i figured that out already. We're going shopping once I'm done with this shitty paper work.

Y/n: Do you know that dresses like this are very expensive, right?

Tom: Yes, I'm fully aware of that.

Y/n & Tom Holland &lt;spicy&gt;Where stories live. Discover now