Part 30 <Jealousy> (Edited)

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He's kissing my neck, sucking on my skin and leaving marks. I feel like I'm on drugs. I moved my hands onto his back and pressed my nails into his skin. He mumbled something, but I couldn't make out what. Then he looked at me.

Tom: Can I fuck you?

Shit, that was hot. I can feel how his dick can't wait to get inside me. It's rubbing against me, letting me feel how it's dripping with precum.

Y/n: Tommy, you already had me today. Let's count the blowjob too and say you had me two times already.

Tom: Then let's do it for the third time.

He whispered.

Y/n: As much as I would love to, I need to be able to walk for the rest of my life.

He laughed to himself.

Tom: Please.... I want to fuck you so badly...

It's funny. He is the dominant one, but only when I allow him to touch me. When I say no, he's powerless. He can't do anything.

He leaned closer to my face, switching looks between my lips and my eyes.

Y/n: Tommy...

He kissed me hungrily and bit my lower lip.

Y/n: Ah.....Ow...

He pulled away and looked into my eyes again.

Tom: Please darling, say yes..!

That's a proof! He doesn't touch me until I allow him! It's cool to know that he's under my control, till I say "yes" at least. When I say it, he takes the control back and wrecks me within an inch of my life.

Y/n: How can you be so horny all the time?

I laugh to myself and he smirked.

Tom: Because I'm around you all the time!

How is he so fucking hot?!! And respectful??!! I mean, he forced me to give him head and ate me out without my permission, but at least he's not forcing me into sex. He's actually asking for my consent.

Y/n: I did a great blow job a few minutes ago.

I smirked to annoy him. I want to see how much he can stand.

Tom: I know, but eating you out and tasting your cum made me so fucking horny again!

I bit my lip, knowing damn well that he's jealous of even that.

Tom: Fuck, darling! What are you doing to me?

A proud grin grew on my lips, knowing that I'm making him go crazy even with the smallest move.

Tom: Baby, if you want me to take you, say it! I don't want to rape you...

His gaze softened. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers into his hair.

Y/n: What would you do if I said "no"?

He calculated his answer while looking at me.

Tom: I would never rape you.

He looks kinda sad. He thinks I think that he's a rapist. I don't think that. He's just passionate, possessive, dominant and overprotective.

Tom: Even though you deserve to be punished!

His expression turned to anger.

Y/n: What..?

Tom: Who's that fucking guy, Y/n?!

Y/n: D'you mean Trevor?

Tom: So you know his name! Are you fucking him as well?!

What the fuck!? Are you fucking kidding me?! How could he said that!? I was a fucking virgin till yesterday and I lost it with him, I love him and he knows it, but yet, he still says such bullshits like this!

Y/n: No, I'm not! He's new at work and he just took me for a lunch! He knows that I have a boyfriend and we're just friends!

Tom: Just friends? Then why did you tell me you're going with Rachel?!!

Y/n: Because I knew you'd be mad at me!

Tom: Well you were right! I am!

I sighed and looked away.

Tom: Don't fucking sigh and look at me when I'm talking to you!

I look at him again. His dark eyes are staring into mine, his face is so close that his hair is falling on my forehead, I feel his breath on my lips and his dick still pressed against my crotch.

Tom: You're mine! You're fucking mine! I own you, Y/n!!

Y/n: Tom, I'm trying...

Tom: You will NOT see him ever again! You won't talk to him, or even fucking look at him!! Do you understand!?

Y/n: How am I supposed to do that?! We're working in the same company!

Tom: I don't fucking care! I'll leave it for today! But if I see you with him somewhere, he's dead and you won't be able to walk for the rest of your life!!

He got off of me and put his boxers on, along with his pants. I decided to wear my crop top without my bra this time, then I sat down on the edge of bed, found my panties on the floor along with my jeans and put them on. Tom walked over to the window and stared at nothing. He's still pissed off, so jealous. Once I fixed my jeans, I sat back down.

Y/n: Tom, I'm trying so hard to be perfect for you... But sometimes, it just feels impossible.. And I'm sorry..

He said nothing, as he kept looking out of the window, with his hands in his pockets.

Y/n: Trevor is just my new colleague, we're not even friends yet, because we just met today. I told you I was going with Rachel, because I knew you'd be jealous and mad. I had no other choice..

Tom: You had a choice. We both asked you if you'd go on a lunch with us, and you chose him!

He's still not looking at me.

Y/n: It's not like that! It's more complicated.. He asked before you, that's why I said yes. But then you texted me and I just couldn't say "no" to Trevor-

Tom: But you could say "no" to me?

Y/n: That was just because I already promised to go with him!

I lowered my gaze to the floor.

Y/n: Tom, you're my boyfriend, we can go together any other time. I went with Trevor to meet him, to get to know him better..

I paused.

Y/n: Please, don't be mad... I love you.. You're the only one and you know it. I don't want to fuck anyone else, I don't want to kiss anyone else, I don't want to hug anyone else, just you! I'm all yours!

I raised my voice in frustration as tears filled my eyes. He sighed and went to me, cupped my cheeks and lifted my head up to look at him. We held an eye contact, until he leaned down and gave me a soft kiss.

Tom: Of course you're all mine! I'll leave it be, but I'll keep an eye on him. I don't trust him.

Y/n: Alright...

Tom: And because I couldn't take you on a lunch, I'm taking you on a dinner!

Y/n: But-

Tom: No buts! We're going at 6:00 PM!

No! Fuck! Again! 6:00 PM! I don't want to eat after 5:00 PM, damn it!

He gave me a concerned look, like if he had read my thoughts.

Tom: You need to eat, darling..

So he can read my thoughts??!!

He kissed my forehead, before he left the room. What am I supposed to do in here? He can't just cancel my work for the rest of the day and lock me in his house!

He still doesn't know that I gave Trevor my phone number.. What will happen once I tell him?


Words: 1.2K


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