Part 38 <Nightmare>

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Tom is peacefully sleeping on my chest. He fell asleep one hour ago. I'm still playing with his hair because I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about everything. Why can't I clear my head for once? Why do I have to think about everything so much?
Currently, I'm thinking about Tom. About what happened. He's so sweet, I know he is. It's insane how he's changing moods so far. I don't feel well because of it.

I came to his office, in a great mood. He was acting so sweet and offered me a place on his lap so I could sleep while he was working. I took it and then everything changed when he said he will carry me to the bedroom. I got scared because I think I'm heavy. When I look back, I don't understand why I did that. He's carrying me all the time.. Mostly while kissing... Ehm, so anyway, next thing is why the hell was I so rude? I feel so bad now. Suddenly I don't see a point in anything I did in that moment.... I'm such a bad girlfriend.. When I thought he was about to hit me, I thought it was him who needed to be slapped...but it was me. I was the one acting like an idiot who needed to be slapped to calm down.
He deserves better.. I'm not right for him..

-I look down at him and watch his hair slip through my fingers. Just now I noticed how soft it is. His brown hair. I haven't met a person with better hair than he has. He smells good too.-

-I sigh and stare at the ceiling. I don't know what time it is. But it's sure after midnight, so it's Tuesday already. I'm glad I don't feel sick because of the alcohol I had yesterday, but it's too soon to celebrate that. It still can come and get me later.-

-My eyes started to feel heavy. Everything was getting darker as I started closing my eyes slowly. My hand stopped playing with Tom's hair and just relaxed on his head.-


It was dark. I was in the kitchen with a small light on, standing in front of the kitchen counter. Suddenly I heard noises. The door opened and closed, then a person came into the kitchen. I can tell it's a man, but he's standing in the dark, i don't know who it is, but he's walking....weird... Like he's...... drunk?

Y/n: Hello..?

He's holding a bag in his hand. He drops it on the floor and comes to me on the light. Finally I can see his face.

Y/n: Oh my God... Tom! You scared me! What are you doing?!

-He comes to me and stops millimetres in front of my face. I can smell alcohol from him.-

Y/n: Uh-...

-I take a step back. That's when my ass hits the kitchen counter. He puts his hands on each side next to me.-

Y/n: Are you drunk?

-He stares at me. Suddenly he moves his hand on my throat and starts strangling me.-

Y/n: Uh-.. Tom-.. What the-...

I closed my eyes and opened them again. When I did, it wasn't Tom who was strangling me. It was David. He let go of my neck and punched me hard. I wheezed in pain. Then he placed his hand back on my neck and smashed me down on the kitchen counter. I'm laying on my back, trying to kick him with my legs. His left hand is holding my wrists above my head and his right hand is strangling me.-

David: Be a good girl and stop fighting! You don't want to disappoint your master!

Y/n: You fucking-... Master!!

I kick him into his crotch. He just wheezed in pain but didn't let go of me.
Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me, on the other side of the kitchen counter. I tilted my head back to see...

David: I'm not? What about him then?


David let go of my wrists and Tom grabbed them instead and hold them on place. David grabbed my shorts and took it off. I started kicking again.

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