Part 20 <Lipstick> (Edited)

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*Time skip to 12:00 PM*

I was enjoying the sun and the silence and totally ignored Tom's messages.
I have just 2 things in my head:
Anna, gun, Anna, gun, Anna, gun..
And all over again.

I have not looked at my laptop for an hour and a half. I'm surprised Tom is not here yet, looking angrier than ever. I wonder what he's doing. He's full of secrets and it's annoying as hell.

I grew curious, so I got up and walked to the small table, sat on a chair and looked at the screen.

The conversation:

Tom: No worries, huh. You seem suspicious. I can see through the messages that something's wrong.

Tom: Are you mad at me or something?

Tom: What did I do?

Tom: Oh I see. You're fucking ignoring me again! Why are you acting like this?

Tom: You're lucky I have a meeting in 10 minutes, for an hour! Otherwise I would drive home and punish you!

Last message was sent one hour ago. His meeting surely ended by now. It's not bothering me though. I know he wouldn't do anything to me. Even though the gun is making me question it. But I'm curious now. How would he punish me?

Y/n: Yeah, lucky me.

Tom: What's with you? My meeting ended a minute ago. What were you doing?

I smirked, knowing damn well what my answer will be. I decided to pester him a bit.

Y/n: I undressed and then I was walking naked all over your house. Then I laid down on a sunbed in your garden, still totaly naked, and fell asleep. Anything else?

Tom: Are you kidding me?! Tell me this is a joke or I'll be so mad that I wasn't there and you'll get a punishment as soon as I get back!

Should I tell him it's a joke? He sounds so serious. But me being me, I'd like to annoy him more.

Y/n: Oh and one more thing.

Tom: What thing?

Y/n: I got so bored on the sunbed before I fell asleep, so I started doing myself with my fingers. And I had an orgasm! It's sad that you missed it!

I was proud of my prank, but it quickly vanished, because he didn't answer me for 15 minutes. I had a really bad feeling that he was standing behind me, so I was turning around all the time, but no one was there. Then he finally replied.

Tom: Don't mess with me, Y/n! Only I can do you with my fingers! Only I can fuck you, touch you, kiss you and make you come! No one else! Not even you can touch yourself! Why would you do that when you have me?

That was hot. I could clearly feel the butterflies dancing inside my stomach. But I feel so shy and embarrassed now. I should stop playing.

Y/n: Of course I'm messing with you! I wasn't naked and I didn't do myself. I was just resting a little.

Tom: I'll do you later so hard, darling, you have no idea. I'll fuck you into oblivion.

I bit my lip and blushed even more. How is he so damn good at everything?! Not just his touches and kisses are perfect, but he's good at flirting too?!

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