Part 28 <Trevor> (Edited)

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I was working on my laptop, on Tom's project, when someone knocked on my door. I looked up and immediately stood up.

Boss: Well, hello there!

Y/n: Mr. Bennett? Good morning!

Boss: I have some news for you!

Y/n: Really? What is it?

Boss: Rachel texted me she feels sick, so she won't come. I know you're working on your project, but I need you to meet Trevor.

Y/n: Trevor? Who's that?

Boss: He's a newbie. A small architect like you. I need you to show him around and explain everything to him. Can you do it?

Y/n: Uh-.. Yes, sir.

Boss: Great! Come with me!

I walked after him to his office. There's a man sitting by his desk. When he saw me, he stood up, walked over to me, smiled and shook my hand.

 When he saw me, he stood up, walked over to me, smiled and shook my hand

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Trevor: Hi! I'm Trevor! You must be Y/n! I heard so much about you!

Y/n: Hi...!

I'm kinda confused. This day is weird, I just can't focus!

Y/n: I'll show you around!

Trevor: Okay!

*Time skip*

I showed him every room and told him everything I know, until we made it to my office.

Y/n: And here is my kingdom!

Trevor: Wow! Really stylish!

I laughed a bit.

Y/n: Thanks!

He was just looking at me.

Y/n: So uh-... You already know where's your office and we both have projects to do... So...

Trevor: Oh, yeah! Sorry!

He wanted to leave, but then he paused and turned around to face me again.

Trevor: Well actually, I wanted to ask if uh...

Y/n: Yeah?

Trevor: May I have your number?

I froze.

Y/n: My-.... My what now?

Trevor: Just for work!

He said very nervously. I can tell just by looking that his hands are all sweaty. But it's okay. First day at work.
Well, I wouldn't really mind giving him my number, but if Tom finds out? I'm dead. He doesn't want anyone to have my number. But if I would say Trevor is my colleague, there's a chance he wouldn't kill me right away.

Y/n: Okay... But just for work!

Trevor: Yeah! Totally!

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and I told him my number when he was ready.

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