Part 27 <Working on it> (Edited)

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I didn't look at him once. I just heard how he took his towel off and put on his boxers. Then a heard a belt so I guess I'm safe if that means he put his pants on. If it means he'll use the belt on me, then that's fucked up. But no, I finally turned around when I finished my changing, he's wearing his pants again. As soon as he realised I'm looking at him, he stares at me back.

*This is what you're wearing:*

*This is what you're wearing:*

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Tom: Darling you're beautiful.

He said and put on a black tank top. It suits perfectly with his black pants.

Y/n: Thank you handsome! You look quite good too! *I laughed

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Y/n: Thank you handsome! You look quite good too! *I laughed.*

He walked to me and put his hands on my waist. He was looking at me for a while, then he slowly leaned closer, looked at my lips and then back at my eyes, asking for a permission to kiss me.

-I slightly nod and wrap my arms around his neck.-

-He starts kissing me softly.-

I can't believe it. In one moment, he's fucking the soul out of my body, and in the next moment, he's so gentle and asking for a permission to kiss me. And then he kisses so softly and gently. I totally fell for this man.

Y/n: I love you so much..

-He stops and looks at me.-

Tom: I love you too darling.

-He gives me a soft kiss and then pulls away. He went downstairs to do I don't know what, and I went back to the bathroom and did my make-up and hair done. I walked back to the bedroom and looked at the time. It's 6:40 AM.-

Y/n: shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!

I took my bag and throw some of my things inside it. I rushed down the stairs and crashed into Tom. I almost fell but he catched me.

Tom: Woah! You okay darling?

Y/n: Yeah I just don't have much time.

Tom: Don't worry, I'm driving fast.

Y/n: Yeah but I need to prepare some food and-

-He handed me 2 sandwiches in an igelit bag.-

So that's what he was doing while I was doing my make up.

Y/n & Tom Holland &lt;spicy&gt;Where stories live. Discover now