Part 24 <Eating Disorder> (Edited)

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I'm in the kitchen with Tom now. I have so many thoughts in my head. Why does he act like this right after he fucked me?

Y/n: ....Hey.

He's facing the other way, doing something on the kitchen counter. I walked over to him and placed my hands on his shoulders. He turned around and looked at me. I smiled at him but he didn't smile back. On the other hand, he looks mad. My smile went down.

Y/n: What's wrong....?

Tom: A lot of things, darling.

What if he didn't like that I was a virgin? What if he wanted to fuck me harder but couldn't?

Y/n: I'm sorry...

Tom: Yeah, you should be sorry!

So I'm right?! Oh...

Y/n: I should have told you earlier...

Tom: Yes, you should have! Why didn't you?!

He's still mad. I'm really trying not to cry right now. So he didn't like it?

Y/n: I was just...ashamed and...

He's just looking at me.

Y/n: You know.. I'm 23.....I bet you didn't expect me to be a virgin and I'm sorry...

I shamefully looked on the ground.

Tom: Wait, what?

I wrapped my arms around my own waist to provide some kind of comfort.

Y/n: I-I'm...sor-

He suddenly grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. I noticed that he doesn't look mad anymore. He looks concerned and sad.

Tom: What are you talking about?

Y/n: You probably wanted to fuck me harder, but you couldn't... I'm sorry you didn't like it...

My eyes filled with tears, no matter how hard I tried to keep them in.

Tom: Baby, what the fuck?!

He took my hands in his, which made me let go of my waist. He pulled me forward, wrapped my own arms around his waist and buried my face in his chest and he cupped my cheeks. To say that I was confused, would be an understatement.

Tom: Don't you dare say that ever again!

I'm so confused. Are we even talking about the same thing? What is he talking about?

Y/n: So you...liked it...?

He smiled and kissed me softly.

Tom: Baby, I loved it!

Y/n: What...? I... I don't understand...

What is he mad about then?

Tom: Do you really think that it's better to fuck a slut than a virgin?

Y/n: But.....I thought..

Tom: Darling, I loved it. It was the best sex I've ever had, because it was with you!

Y/n: Wait.... so you're not mad about that...?

Tom: Of course not! Baby, it was perfect!

He wiped my tears away and kissed my nose.

Y/n: What were you mad about then?

He sighed.

Tom: About your eating disorder.

Y/n: ......

He let go of me, turned around to the kitchen counter, where the pancakes are and started spreading the pancakes with marmalade and then rolled it.

Y/n & Tom Holland &lt;spicy&gt;Where stories live. Discover now