Part 67 <I miss you>

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I woke up with dark circles under my eyes, saliva leaking out of my mouth, glossy eyes and a terrible hangover not to mention I'm laying on the floor.
Where? Where am I?

??: I see you're awake. I was starting to think you were dead.

I sat up very slowly and looked at the door behind me.

Y/n: ....Tom...?

I whispered. He gave me a soft smile and walked over to me with a glass of water. I took it and drank it all because it feels like I haven't been drinking for years. It woke me up a little bit and I finally recognized where I was.

Y/n: .......Bathroom.....

Tom hummed. I'm sitting right in front of the toilet.

Tom: Your bathroom. You know, the one downstairs.

Y/n: What happened? What day is it? Why am I on the floor?

Tom: I tried multiple times to make you stay in bed but you refused.

Y/n: Okay I have no idea what you're talking about...

I started rubbing my head with my hand to try to calm the headache.

Tom: So, you fell asleep in my car, I carried you inside and laid you on your bed in the guest room. You slept till 4 AM, then you started vomiting and you wouldn't stop for hours with just a little breaks. During the breaks you tried to sleep on the toilet but I didn't want your head to fall inside but you refused to close the toilet because you felt like vomiting all the time, so I wanted to get you to lay on the bed to try to get some sleep. You said the bed feels like you're on a boat floating in the ocean and it makes you want to vomit more. So you laid on the floor but then you said you want the toilet to be nearby and you crawled into the bathroom to lay on the cold floor. You refused a pillow and a blanket because it would make you feel like floating again, so I just let you be but I was keeping an eye on you just in case. You literally passed out around 10 AM and woke up now. It's 4:36 PM, Saturday.

Y/n: ......That's a lot to take embarrassing...

Tom: I told you, you overdid it.

Y/n: Shut was fun....I have no regrets....

Tom: Don't die on me now.

He chuckled and rubbed my head to mess up my hair even more. He got all of my hair from my face and chuckled again.

Tom: You look like a panda.

Y/n: .....What?

Tom: Your mascara is all over your eyes and it goes down to your cheeks as well.

Y/n: Oh gosh...

I pushed his hand away and covered my face.

Tom: Let's try this. I'll help you stand up, brush your teeth and then try to eat something, okay?

Y/n: .......okay...

I feel so sore. I have absolutely no power to protest. You could ask me whatever and I would agree on doing that.

Tom: Okay.

Tom went from behind and wrapped his arms under my boobs, to avoid pressing on my stomach.

Tom: Here we go. One two three-

My legs were not exactly listening so he picked me up on his own without me helping out.

Y/n: O-Oh.

Tom: What's wrong?

Y/n: My head is spinning...

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