Part 75 <Merry Christmas> SPICY AF

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*Merry Christmas 🎁🎄!!! *

Y/n: Hey love? I know you already told me, but... that's not going to be enough for me. I need to know. Just ask for one thing!

Tom: I already told you! No!

He turned around and placed my plate in front of me on the table.

Tom: Eat.

Y/n: Hey! Don't change the subject!

Tom; I told you, I'm a fucking billionaire! I have everything I need and want!

Y/n: I just need a hint! A clue!

Tom: There isn't.

He sat by the table himself and started eating his mack and cheese. So did I.
After some time, I decided to pester him some more.

Y/n: I'll buy you something.

I said with a cocky tone and smirked. He lifted up his head and I felt his piercing gaze on me.

Tom: No you won't. Don't you dare.

Y/n: Why are you so much against it? I just want to give you something!

Tom: I already have everything. I have you. I told you that's all I want. Don't waste money. Use it for yourself. To buy yourself something little and nice. Like a coffee, makeup or a snack, maybe clothes..... Alright?

I sighed, took my plate and placed it on the kitchen counter for later or for Tom's second portion.

Tom: Still can't eat much, huh...

Y/n: You know me...

I walked over to him and stood behind him as he was sitting on a chair. I leaned down and bent over him, making my arms wrap loosely around his neck. I kissed his neck from behind and soon saw the goosebump show up. I chuckled and leaned closer to his ear.

Y/n: I'll buy you something~

I said with the same cocky voice.

Tom: Y/n-

Before he could say anything, I let go of him and ran upstairs with a giggle.

Tom: You-

He ran after me. He couldn't help but laugh as well.
Unfortunately, he caught me. And to all my protests, I was thrown onto the bed.

Tom: You're a naughty girl....

Y/n: Am I?

I smirked and sat up only to be pinned down by him when he climbed on the top of me.

Tom: Mhm.

Y/n: That much?

Tom: Don't buy me anything. Or I'll lock you here. It's not like I will let you leave all by yourself anyway, and I don't trust my guys enough with your protection. An if I'll go with you? Then what, you're gonna buy it in front of me?

Shoot. I didn't think about this... I don't wanna run away. I don't wanna worry him. Besides, I have a brain. I know Jacob's still out there somewhere, waiting for me. It feels like we're playing cat and mouse. I don't want to get kidnapped again. Raped or tortured. So I won't run away. Not alone. But I need to see all kinds of shops because I have no idea what to buy to him. It's not gonna be clothes. He's having everything done and it's super expensive. Way out of my league. It's not gonna be from a drugstore either...he doesn't use much products and I don't want to give him something stupid... He doesn't even need a new phone or a laptop, a TV, a car...not that I can afford one...but he just has everything already! Should I make something? Should I cook? I mean, we're baking Christmas sweets today.... and food is not a gift...

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