Part 40 <5 missed calls Y/n!>

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After I brushed my teeth, I went back to the bedroom because I thought Tom is gonna lay there on the bed pretending he's so hurt because I didn't give him the attention he wanted. But no, when I came in, Tom wasn't there.


Tom: Fuck!

I heard it from the kitchen downstairs. It sounded like something heavy made from iron fell on the floor.
I laughed to myself and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Y/n: Babe, what are you doing? *I say while giggling*

Tom: Making breakfast obviously..

Y/n: What's with that attitude? *I laugh even more*

-He just killed me with one look. Then he looked back at whatever he's doing there where I can't see because I'm standing a few steps behind him.-

Y/n: Awwww... Are you maaad?

-I came behind him and hugged him from behind-

Y/n: Does my baby need more attention?


-I giggled-

Tom: It's not funny..

Y/n: Actually, it is Tom. You are 25 years old and yet, you're still acting like a baby.

-I let go of him and sit behind the table.-

Y/n: So, are you gonna tell me what are you making there or should I just go to the Caffè instead?

Tom: Hell no! You're staying right here!


Tom: Oatmeal....

Y/n: huh? What was that?

Tom: Oatmeal.. I'm making you an oatmeal.

Y/n: Wait really? I love oatmeals! How did you know?

Tom: Eeeh... I just know it..

Y/n: Is it another "spy thing" you do..?

Tom: Who knows...

Y/n: Tooom!!

Tom: ...Sorry.

-I sighed-

Y/n: Well, I'm actually scared what else you might know about me.

Tom: Didn't I told you I know everything?

Y/n: I'm starting to think that you know things about me that I don't even know about myself.

Tom: .....

Y/n: .....

Tom: Who knows...

Y/n: Oh my God.. Okey.. Enough of this conversation. I'm getting really-

*So much things to say but there's so little time. So how do I say goodbye, to someone who's been with me for my whole damn life....*

Tom: What's that?

Y/n: Oh! It's my phone ringing!

I got up so fast I almost fell.

Tom: Why are you in such a rush? You should run like this just when "I" call you..!

He said the part "I" really... Well, let's just say he made it clear. But I don't really care. I always run like that when somebodys calling me. What if it's something important? You never know. I mean, it always turns out to be just a "chat chat" but that just makes me happy.

I somehow ran up the stairs successfully without breaking my legs, made it to the bedroom and jumped after my phone.
Then I freezed. Should I pick this up? Tom has ears everywhere... But.. I already have 5 missed calls, this doesn't have to be another one.

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