Part 61 <GET HER NOW!!!>

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He nodded and leaned against the wall, still in front of me. I wouldn't let him sit next to me anyway. Was all we had.......fake?

Tom: That's right. I wanted to kill him since he beat you up. That shit face really cost me some problems. It was difficult to find him. I've never experienced that. I always found everyone and everything in a heart beat. But this fucker knew exactly how to hide. There was a little to no informations about him. He even dogged almost every camera in the whole city.

Y/n: How and when did you find him?

Tom: He did a few mistakes. So once a camera caught him, I sent everyone to follow him and bring him to me as fast as possible. He started panicking since that one camera caught him, and in the panic he got spotted by even more cameras. He couldn't hide anywhere from me. That was one week ago.

Y/n: ......

What does he expect of me?
'You're the boss of mafia? No way! That's so cool! You're killing people? That's so hot! You're making and selling guns? How sexy! I want to see your veiny hands make one! I love you!'

Y/n: "Love you" my ass..... *whispered*

Tom: Hm? What was that? Did you say something?

Y/n: What do you expect of me? Do you seriously expect me to fangirl over you? To say how cool it is that it's just like in some kind of movie? Tom, what do you expect me to do?

Tom: I'm not expecting anything....just.... Don't reject me...don't leave me...don't give up on me just because I was born to do this!

I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I will wait. Just for now. Let's see how things are, how they'll go.

Tom: Y/n?

I opened my eyes just in time. His hand was reaching towards my cheek. I feel kind of sorry for him, so I didn't slap it away this time, but I dogged it and shakily stood up.

Tom: Whoa! Not so fast!

He stood up and opened his arms and was ready to catch me.

Y/n: I'm not gonna fall....dumbass...

Tom: Watch how you speak to me. I told you that tons of times already.

I kept my gaze on the floor. He's killing people. He's a murderer.. a mafia leader...the boss of mafia... He can literally-

Tom: Y/n.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and shook me gently.

Tom: Nothing's gonna happen to you. I'm going to protect you no matter what. You're safe.

Y/n: ......

Idiot...that's not it...
I didn't look at him. I kept my gaze on the floor.

Can't you see the very big problem? Can't you see the difference between us?
I can't stay with you....
This is wrong...
I don't want to be a part of this.
Does this mean if we get married, I'll have to run the mafia with him? That if I'll get pregnant, the child won't have any other choice but to kill people, make and sell guns and become the next boss of mafia? And I'll just have to watch it all? I don't want a future like this....

Y/n: I can't give you a child..

I took a step back.

Tom: .....What?.... You can't have kids?...

Y/n: That's not it.. I don't want this future for my kids.... I've never wanted this. I don't want to be a part of this thing... Even marriage with you would make me some kind of criminal...

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