EP 1

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To those who are fans of Himuro Tatsuya, I'm sorry!

Warnings: some bad language

    It was a beautiful sunny day and Seirin's team decided to go have lunch together. They were all sitting at a restaurant, occupying two tables. One table had the second-years and the other had the first-years.

    Kagami was training his left hand so he could play better. Because of that, he was trying to eat while holding the chopsticks with his left hand. It wasn't going that well. His hand was shaking and he wasn't able to properly hold the food. The broccoli he was trying to put in his mouth flew.

    "Damn it!" Kagami said loudly. His frustration with his left hand's uselessness was funny.

    "That's the fourth broccoli you make fly through the air. Nigo is having fun eating them." (Y/N) said laughing.

    "Shut up, I'm working on it! Why is it so difficult?" Kagami complained.

    "Kagami, don't be so loud." Hyuuga scolded him.

    "Oh, sorry about that." Kagami said a bit calmer.

    When they quieted down, the other first-years started talking among themselves. They were talking about what they would do the next day, because they all had a day off of practice. Furihata took out a pamphlet he had seen.

    "Hey, hey." He called the other first-years, who looked at him. "Why don't we try this?" he asked as he showed them the pamphlet. It was about a street basketball tournament that would happen tomorrow. The teams only had to show up, sign up and play against one another.

    Hearing that their plan was to go out and play basketball instead of resting like she told them to, Riko interjected.

    "Hey, first-years, I thought I told you to rest tomorrow. You need to rest." She told them a bit displeased. Furihata, Fukuda and Kawahara looked saddened.

    "We know. We know, but . . ." Furihata started to say. "Kagami and Kuroko always get to play in games, but well . . . we'd like to play sometimes, too." The boy confessed a bit sadly.

    That was quite true. These three boys rarely ever got out of the bench. They mostly played during practice. (Y/N) looked at them with a bit of pity.

    "That's it! That is it!" Kiyoshi said suddenly, in a good mood. "That's the spirit, first-years!" he said. "Hey, Riko, out of respect for that spirit, let's send them off right." He said to the coach.

    Riko was going to protest, but the manager helped Kiyoshi.

    "It will just be the first-years, Riko-senpai, and I'll go with them, so I'll make sure they don't overdo it, ok?" she asked the brown haired girl nicely.

    "Well, if it's only you first-years then I guess I'll allow it." She finally agreed.

    The first-years smiled happily.

    "You're coming to babysit us?" Kagami asked, feeling that that wasn't necessary. (Y/N) turned towards him and spoke quietly so only the five first-years could hear her.

    "Of course not. I just want to go watch you play, I only said that so Riko-senpai would agree." She said with a smile and the five boys smiled.

    "Ok then, let's have some fun tomorrow." Kagami said with a smirk.

-----The next day-----

    (Y/N), Kuroko, Kagami, Furihata, Fukuda and Kiyoshi met up to go to the park where the street tournament would take place. Kawahara got sick so he wasn't able to come, thus Kiyoshi came in his stead.

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