EP 7 & 8

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I joined two episodes into one because in the anime one entire episode is about the second-years' past and I'm not going to cover that. Sorry!

Warning: some bad language.

    The game had ended and even the crowd was silent, letting the result sink in. Normally, only one team could come out victorious and go on to the Winter Cup, so if a tie happened they would play overtime until one team won. But this year the tournament was trying to keep the games short, so they have no overtime rules. And like that, both Seirin and Shutoku had one victory and one tie.

    All the players were exhausted and Kiyoshi stood alone, angry with himself. He was blaming himself for missing the second shot.

    Suddenly, the rest of Seirin ran towards him at the same time, with their hands in the air. They all bumped into Kiyoshi and he fell on his butt.

    "You guys are brutal!" Kiyoshi said in pain. "Honestly, I didn't expect you to blame me that much." He said next, making the others look surprised at him.

    "Blame you?" Hyuuga asked, confused. "Those were high-fives." He explained and Kiyoshi was the one looking confused, now.

    Why would they give him high-fives if he just missed the winning shot?

    "Did you really think they would be angry with you, Kiyoshi-senpai?" (Y/N) asked him as she appeared suddenly knelling beside him. "Why would any of us be angry?" she asked next and Kiyoshi didn't respond.

    "Don't be stupid." Hyuuga lectured Kiyoshi. "We made it this far because of you." He said.

    "Everyone gave their best. Obviously the result is not anyone's fault. And it's not like we lost." (Y/N) said next with a smile while she got up to her feet.

    "That's right. There's nothing to feel sorry for." Kagami said next.

    "After everyone gave their best, I have no regrets." Kuroko said with a smile.

    Kiyoshi looked surprised for a second, but ended up smiling.

    "Yeah, you're all right." He said finally and got up.

    It wasn't what they were expecting, but they couldn't say they were disappointed. The crowd applauded both teams with smiles on their faces, it had been a great game and tranquility was in the air.

    At that same time, the match between Kirisaki Dai Ichi and Senshinkan had also come to an end. Kirisaki Dai Ichi had won 108 – 70. This time it had been the players from the first-string who had played. The crowd that watched their game wasn't as happy looking as the one that watched Seirin and Shutoku. In fact there was silence and everyone looked uncomfortable with what they witnessed. The match hadn't been nice at all.

    "That's not fair!" a Senshinkan player argued loudly to Kirisaki Dai Ichi's players. "How can you be happy with winning like that?!" he asked them, aggravated.

    "Sorry, but I don't understand. I don't remember breaking any rules." One of Kirisaki Dai Ichi's players said, pretending innocence.

    Then that same boy turned to another from his team, Hanamiya Makoto.

    "The game next to ours was a nail biter. I can't believe Seirin made it a tie." He said to Hanamiya, while he put his jacket on.

    "It's not surprising." Hanamiya said immediately. "If anything is unexpected it's that they're all goody two-shoes. We still have one more game. We'll crush Seirin and advance to the Winter Cup." He said with cruel, sadistic eyes and smile.

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