EP 19

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    After the boys woke up from their nap in the locker room, Seirin was finally ready to go back home. They were all walking outside and it was already dark.

    "This is bad. I can't believe I fell asleep in a locker room in the middle of winter." Hyuuga grumbled as he raised his hand to his face.

    "You were really tired. There's nothing wrong with taking a little nap." (Y/N) said with a small laugh.

    "We'd better make sure we don't catch colds, though." Kiyoshi told her and the girl just shrugged, not worrying about that possibility.

    "Hold on, aren't you forgetting something important?" Koganei asked the rest of them and everyone looked at him curiously. "Let's celebrate our victory!" he chirped.

    "We can't do that!" Hyuuga lectured him and Koganei complained. "Our second game is the day after tomorrow. From the third game on, we've got matches every day! Even if we win, there's no time to celebrate!" Hyuuga explained.

    "That sounds like a good idea." Riko said, looking pensive and completely disregarding Hyuuga's words. "Then, let's go get dinner together." She said to them and the boys were confused with her unexpected decision. "Your recovery is important, too. For that, you need to eat properly and get plenty of sleep." Riko explained.

    "But, where are we going? Eating out is expensive." Hyuuga asked and Riko started thinking.

    "Then we don't eat out. But my place is so far." She mumbled out loud.

    "Excuse me." Kagami said suddenly, catching all the others' attention. "My place is actually nearby." Kagami said a bit shyly. He was inviting them all to go eat at his house.

    The others' confusion quickly evaporated and they all agreed to go to Kagami's house. They had never been there before. They quickly stopped by a store to buy the ingredients for their dinner and walked to Kagami's house.

    When the whole team found themselves inside Kagami's apartment, their mouths were agape. It was so spacious! They never thought Kagami was so well off.

    "It's huge!" Koganei exclaimed loudly.

    "Come on in." Kagami said normally.

    "Kagami, do you live here by yourself?" Hyuuga asked him, his voice still emanating the disbelief they felt.

    "I was supposed to live here with my dad." Kagami said.

    "Kagami-kun, you're a despicable guy after all. I'm not going to be your shadow anymore." Kuroko said with a normal voice, but he looked like he had been betrayed by Kagami's hidden wealth. Kagami flinched embarrassedly at his words.

    "Why would you say something like that?!" the red haired asked, looking peeved.

    The boys continued to look at the place, making comments and talking among themselves.

    "Hey, where's Riko?" Kiyoshi suddenly asked. The boys all looked around. He was right, Riko was gone.

    "She headed to the kitchen with the food." (Y/N) answered normally, but she quickly jumped back in fright at the boys' shouts.

    "You can't be serious!" Hyuuga said loudly to the girl as some of the others fell to the ground in defeat and Koganei ran around the house in a panic.

    "Have you forgotten what happened this summer?" Izuki asked next and (Y/N) was having enough of their nonsense.

    "You are the ones who must have forgotten what happened this summer. Riko-senpai got a lot better at cooking! I'm sure she'll do great today!" (Y/N) told them severely and they jumped back a little at her response. What she said was true, but at least at that time Riko had had supervision!

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