EP 3

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Seirin starts getting recognized!

    After weeks of preparation and heavy training, it was finally the first day of the preliminaries. A lot of people were gathering at the entrance of the building where the games were going to take place. Everyone was excited for this event, the Winter Cup was taken very seriously and had a lot of fans.

    Another thing that was getting fans was Seirin. They had been getting supporters as time passed. A team of nice and hardworking teens, along with the friendship they obviously shared, couldn't go unnoticed forever.

    Seirin's team was gathering at the park so they could go together to their first match. While waiting, Kagami was playing with a basketball using only his left hand and arm. He had gotten really good at controlling the ball with his non-dominant hand and he was quite proud of himself.

    Another person that was happy was Kiyoshi. He was finally going to start playing on official matches again and he couldn't contain his excitement. His silly happy face was funny.

    Seirin arrived at the building where the first games were going to take place. Everyone was gathered at the locker room and Riko was revising how everything was going to work.

    Eight schools are participating in the preliminaries and only two will win the right to participate at the Winter Cup. After today's games, only four schools will go on and play a league series between each other. Finally, the top two schools will go on to the Winter Cup. However, the slight difficulty with this year's preliminaries was that the eight schools participating are the ones that were best qualified in the Inter-High preliminaries, so they were all strong teams.

    "Today our opponent is the school that got 6th place in the Inter-High, Josei High School! Let's win!" Riko said with a strong tone. 

    Everyone was powered up.

    (Y/N) was grabbing her bag when the rest of the team started to look at each other, silently agreeing with something. Riko nodded at them with a smile.

    "(L/N)-chan, before we go we have something for you." The coach said nicely and the manager looked at her with curiosity. When all the others gathered around the two girls, the (E/C) eyed girl raised an eyebrow a bit worriedly.

    "Are you going to beat me up or something?" she asked jokingly, but at the same time worried with what was going to happen.

    "OF COURSE NOT!" Riko shouted as the others smiled uneasily.

    Hyuuga passed something to Riko's hands and Riko showed it to the girl.

    "(L/N)-chan, up until now you have been a great help and team member. You have done a lot for us and we all decided to give you something as a way of thanking you." Riko explained nicely as she showed what she had in her hands.

    The manager's eyes widened at what she saw. Riko was holding a white jacket, with black sleeves – it was like the ones the boys wore – and in the back it said 'Manager' in red letters with black contours.

    "You are our manager and you gave us a lot of things, so we thought that it would be cool if you also had something showing what team you belong to." Hyuuga said nicely.

    Everyone had smiles on their faces, but as the (H/C) haired girl kept silent they got a little worried.

    "Hum, you don't like it?" Riko asked and (Y/N) suddenly looked up at them. The look of happiness mixed with the desire to cry while trying not to, gave her a really silly look and the team laughed a little.

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