EP 5

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    The second quarter of the game had just started. Seirin was in the lead 23-16. Although Shutoku was losing, their team didn't look disheartened at all. If anything their energy brought chills to everyone. Everyone in Seirin had a weird feeling, like something was going to come down.

    Kagami was standing alongside Midorima. The red haired was panting and thinking. Midorima hardened his eyes and spoke to him.

    "What's wrong? Are you tired already? In that case I'm disappointed." he said to the red haired, who looked at him annoyed.

    "Of course not! Bring it on!" Kagami argued, but it was obvious that he was more tired than Midorima.

    Kagami was already breathing hard and sweating a lot. Not surprising, though. Having to jump around to try and stop Midorima from shooting was more exhausting than simply shooting. Not only that, but Kagami was also struggling because he wasn't getting much of Kuroko's passes. The blue haired shadow was being held back by Takao.

    That was other problem they were having - Takao. This is the second time Seirin was playing against Shutoku so Takao already knew what to do with Kuroko. The same trick from the first match wasn't going to work again.

    Good thing that Kuroko had a new one prepared, then.

    The game proceeded and Izuki had the ball. He passed to Hyuuga, but Miyaji got to the ball first and tapped it towards Midorima. Midorima grabbed the ball and made the movement to jump and shoot. Immediately, Kagami jumped to stop him, but to everyone's surprise, Midorima had done a fake. While Kagami was still going up, Midorima got past him and really jumped to shoot this time. Kagami wasn't having it, though. As soon as he landed the first jump, he jumped right after again. Midorima managed to shoot the ball, but it was unclear if Kagami had managed to touch it or not. If he did, the ball's course would be altered and it wouldn't go in.

    Everyone was looking in suspense to see what would happen.

    (Y/N) smiled as she saw one person moving. Kuroko was already running towards Seirin's basket while the others were looking at the ball.

    Finally, it reached the hoop. The ball hit the side and bounced back, not going in. The players were shocked. Of course it wasn't Midorima who had missed, it had been Kagami that managed to touch the ball with the tip of his finger. When they realized that it was a rebound, Kuroko surprised them, Takao included, by being already under the hoop waiting to get the ball. He had believed that Kagami would manage to make the ball miss.

    Kuroko grabbed the ball and with his powerful pass sent it towards the other side of the court. Izuki caught it and scored.

    The crowd was going crazy with the intense game. It was difficult not to. However, Seirin was not as excited. They had just seen that Midorima decided to mix fakes with his shots. This was going to trouble them because now Kagami didn't know if he should jump or not. If he jumped, Midorima would do a fake and go past him and Kagami had to quickly jump again if he wanted to stop him. This was going to tire him out even more quickly.

    "Things are not looking well for Kagami." (Y/N) said calmly, making Riko and the players at the bench look at her.

    "No, they're not. If Midorima is mixing in fakes, Kagami is in trouble." Riko said looking serious.

    Midorima had the ball again. Of course, he positioned himself to shoot. Kagami was in front of him with the dilemma of figuring out if Midorima was really going to shoot or not. He couldn't know. Kagami decided to jump anyway, but Midorima had done a fake and moved to the side to shoot.

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