EP 17

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    In an instant Aomine got past Kagami and scored, taking back the points his team had lost. The gap in the scores went back to 10 points.

    Kagami had been on Aomine has much as he could, but nothing was working. All of them were working hard, but it just wasn't enough. They would die before they gave up, though. 

    Hyuuga called the others and decided to put Kagami marking somebody else. They wouldn't be able to stop Aomine, but the other Touou players weren't able to stop Kagami either. Like that, they would keep trying to score, three points at a time.

    They did just that. Hyuuga scored a perfect three-pointer. He looked confident, but it wasn't really confidence on himself. He was confident on his teammates under the basket ready to get the ball back in case he missed. His confidence wasn't because he thought he wouldn't miss, it was because he knew it would be alright even if he did.

    Sakurai was getting frustrated that Hyuuga was making more baskets than him. In an impulsive move, Sakurai tried to score as well, but his form was off and Hyuuga was going to get the ball from him. What saved Sakurai was Aomine. The blue haired ace ran towards him.

    "Geez, getting flustered just because they closed the gap a little." Aomine complained as he ran. He got in front of Sakurai before he could shoot the ball and miss. "Give me the ball." He instructed him and Sakurai obeyed.

    As soon as Aomine had the ball he ran towards Seirin's basket, Kagami missed him again. As he tried to score, Kiyoshi tried to stop him, but he unintentionally pushed Aomine and made a foul. Aomine surprised them again, by throwing the ball none the less towards the basket. The foul Kiyoshi did gave Touou a free throw. If Aomine scored, Touou would be once again 10 points ahead of Seirin.

    Obviously, Aomine scored. Easily. 

    Less than 9 minutes were left until the end of the match and the scores were still 68-78.

    "Damn it, we're getting nowhere." (Y/N) said with frustration. "That jerk keeps scoring. Wouldn't it be nice if he just stopped?" she asked out loud, but to no one in particular. 

    Then, she quickly got up, making Riko look at her.

    "(L/N)-chan?" she called, but the younger girl didn't answer. 

    She went closer to Kuroko who was standing close to the side line and gasping for air.

    This didn't escape the Miracles' attention. Akashi smirked again as he watched.

    "Tetsuya." (Y/N) called him quickly. She had to be fast to not interfere with the team's pace. The boy widened his eyes at her, but was ready to listen to her.

    After she told him what to do, he nodded and looked around. If they wanted this to work he would need help. The only way for this to work was by putting pressure on Aomine. Kuroko went closer to Kiyoshi and Kagami and asked for their help.

    The game went on and Aomine kept overwhelming them. It was time to put the plan into action. They couldn't stop him, but they could make his life a bit harder.

    Touou's players were suddenly caught off guard when they saw Aomine being marked by Kuroko, Kagami and Kiyoshi. It wasn't unexpected, of course, such a defense was necessary against someone like Aomine. 

    Aomine wasn't fazed, though. He still got past the three of them. Kagami and Kiyoshi jumped to not let him score, but Aomine's formless shots were incredible. He dodged them both and managed to still throw the ball towards the basket. He had scored so many times like this, he was certainly going to do it again, now.

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