EP 4

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    Seirin had just won their match against Josei. This made them one of the teams that would go on in the preliminaries. The other teams that were also going forward were Shutoku, Senshinkan and Kirisaki Dai Ichi.

    Now, the four teams were going to play against each other and the two best teams would be the ones to go on to the Winter Cup, where Touou, Kaijou, Yosen and Rakuzan were already placed.

    It was almost night and everyone was walking home together. They were discussing that Senshinkan was going to be their next opponent and that they had to work hard, seen that Seirin has lost against them twice already.

    As they kept walking, Kuroko grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist and called for Kagami. The three friends stopped walking and (Y/N) and Kagami looked at Kuroko curiously.

    Kuroko asked them to go with him to the park. The blue haired boy wanted to show them something. Well, he wanted to show Kagami actually because (Y/N) had already seen it, but he wanted the girl to come as well.

    When they arrived at the court in the park, they put down their bags and Kagami turned towards Kuroko.

    "So, what do you want?" Kagami asked.

    "I wanted to ask you to help me practice my new drive. I've done everything I can, but now I need your help to make it perfect." The blue haired boy said as he took his ball out of his bag. "(Y/N) has been helping me, but because she's not a real player there's not much reality she can put when I practice this move. No offense, (Y/N)." the boy said, turning towards (Y/N) when he said the last part.

    "None taken." The girl said with a smile. Kuroko didn't offend her at all, it made sense actually. Kuroko needed a real player to go against him so he could see if what he was doing was good enough.

    Kagami looked curiously between the two. He was kind of eager to see Kuroko's new drive.

    "I get it. Sure, bring it on." Kagami said with a smirk.

    With that, Kagami took a defensive stance and Kuroko was dribbling the ball to try and get past him.

    Just like (Y/N) and Momoi, Kagami couldn't see what had happened. When he realized, Kuroko was already behind him, having gone past him. Kagami couldn't hide his shock.

    The moment was broken, though, when they realized that only Kuroko had went past Kagami. Kuroko had left the ball behind. Kagami grabbed the ball and turned to Kuroko, who was still looking at his empty hand.

    "What's with that? You've done everything my ass! You just lost the ball!" Kagami grumbled, insinuating that Kuroko hadn't trained that hard. The girl went towards Kagami and tapped him on the belly.

    "Are you blind? Look at the ball before accusing him, you rude person." She said to the red haired, making a vein pop in his head. 

    He did what she told him to and looked at the ball. His eyes widened when he noticed that the surface had been mostly worn off. That usually happened to balls that were used outside. Kuroko had used it so much that the ball was worn out.

    What really surprised him, was the conversation he heard the other two have.

    "Geez Tetsuya, this one is already no good, too. How many has it been? This is what, the 3rd or 4th?" she asked the blue haired who looked at the girl with a kind of sad face.

    "This is my 6th, actually. I wish I could use the gym more often so they didn't worn out so much. Now I'll have to buy another one." Kuroko said, he was spending a lot on balls because of this.

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