EP 10

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Warning: some bad language and mild violence

It was the end of the second quarter, Seirin was winning 45-40.

Hanamiya was pissed out of his mind. Things weren't going like he wanted them to. As everyone was gathering to go to their locker rooms, Hanamiya harshly passed by Kuroko, pushing him out of the way.

Kuroko looked at Hanamiya and decided to speak to him, he knew Hanamiya was terrible, but he also wanted to know why. How could someone be like this? What was his reason?

(Y/N) noticed Kuroko was wanting to speak to Hanamiya and she went towards them. No way was she letting him alone with that bastard.

"Why do you play in such an underhanded way?" the blue haired boy asked Hanamiya. "Do you really enjoy winning like this?" he asked next and Hanamiya looked surprised at him. (Y/N) was beside Kuroko, glaring at Hanamiya.

Hanamiya suddenly grabbed his chest like a pained victim. It looked so fake, (Y/N) couldn't hide her disgust for him.

In the stands, Aomine was making his way to the bathroom, but he noticed Kuroko and (Y/N) talking to Hanamiya and stopped to watch them.

"Of course not." Hanamiya answered Kuroko, whose blue eyes widened. (Y/N) kept glaring. "But if I don't do it, how am I supposed to beat teams with members of the Generation of Miracles?" he said, like he was in pain. "I'll place first in the Winter Cup and . . ." he kept going, but (Y/N) cut him short.

"You can stop with that stupid and disgustingly fake drama, thank you very much." She told him curtly. "Tetsuya, stay away from him." The girl then said to her friend and Kuroko looked shocked by that - Hanamiya was lying?

"Ahah, you caught me, huh?" he said as he raised his head and looked smug again. He laughed obnoxiously and turned to Kuroko. "I was kidding, idiot." He mocked him, he noticed Kuroko was actually believing him for a second there. Now that Hanamiya confirmed that he was really joking, Kuroko looked frustrated. How could someone be like this? Hanamiya kept taunting them and all the other players from Seirin were listening now. "They say the misfortune of others tastes like honey. Don't get the wrong idea, goody two-shoes. I don't want to win, I want to see guys who have worked hard and devoted their youth to basketball grind their teeth as they lose. Do I enjoy it?" he asked as he came closer to (Y/N) and Kuroko. "Yes, I do." He answered sinisterly. "What I did to your seniors last year was a masterpiece." He bragged loudly. Kagami was so furious Izuki had to restrain him. But he stopped struggling when a hard slap sound was heard. They were all surprised, even Hanamiya whose face was turned to the side. (Y/N) had just slapped him with all her strength, so hard her hand was tingling after it. Hanamiya's surprised eyes turned to her.

"You mark my words, you sack of trash - this was the last time you ever bragged about hurting our seniors to our faces!" the girl said, her tone showing all the rage she felt. "Your foul behavior won't put us down anymore and I swear to you that no matter what you throw our way from now on, you will lose. We are going to destroy you and you won't be able to do anything." She told him and Hanamiya looked furious for a second, but he quickly put on that mocking look again in a way to look unaffected.

"Eeeehhh." He said mockingly. "Is that s-" he tried to say, but (Y/N) was already turning around with Kuroko, not leting him finish. Hanamiya frowned again, the girl was almost humiliating him.

"Go back to your hole with your trash friends. We don't really want to waste our brake time looking at you." She said to him with an insolent look and Hanamiya grit his teeth. He then smirked, turned around and went towards his team.

At the stands, both Kaijou and Touou had been watching.

"I sure wouldn't enjoy getting slapped like that." Moriyama from Kaijou said.

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