EP 9

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Warnings: bad language, mention of violence and blood.

    It was the day of the match between Seirin and Kirisaki Dai Ichi. Seirin was already warming up on the court when two groups of people made their way to the stands. Kaijou's and Touou's teams came to watch the game. Even Aomine was there, although he was brought by force by his teammates and Momoi.

    (Y/N) was looking serious, as were all the boys. Everyone was focused and ready for the game. They knew it wasn't going to be easy, especially because of how foully the Kirisaki Dai Ichi guys played. It was ludicrous how disgusting players like them did such terrible things and weren't ever punished for it.

    As Seirin kept warming up, a loose ball rolled up towards Hanamiya. He picked it up and Kiyoshi went to retrieve it. It looked like Hanamiya was being unpleasant and Hyuuga didn't waste any time in going towards them. He wouldn't let Hanamiya say whatever he wanted to Kiyoshi.

    "You better not have forgotten what you did last year." Hyuuga said, his voice angry and face tense. Hanamiya, as always, played innocent.

    "Hey, now. Don't be mean. You still think I did something?" he said with fake sympathy. (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes glared at him. "I don't know what you're talking about. He just hurt himself." The horrible boy said with a smirk. Hyuuga got furious at his words, but Kagami calmed him down with a hand on his shoulder.

    "You're even shittier in person." The red head said to Hanamiya. "No matter what you pull, we won't lose." He said and Kuroko's expression said the same thing. "Crush us if you can." Kagami challenged. Hanamiya's innocent façade vanished.

    "Wow, how assertive." He taunted them with a smirk and sarcastic tone of voice. "I heard of you, the first-year duo. You should be careful, I hope nothing happens to you." He threatened as he turned away from them and went back to his teammates.

    As Hanamiya walked, his eyes went towards Seirin's manager – obviously he had heard of her too, but he wasn't worried about her. His eyes turned serious. As he watched her, the girl's eyes were also on him. He saw how she looked him up and down and scoffed, like he was insignificant. She returned her eyes to her team and Hanamiya frowned at what she had done. He didn't show anything else, though, he just kept serious as he went back to his team.

    (Y/N) refused to show anger and apprehension to Hanamiya, so she decided to put him off for a bit by showing how ridiculous she thought he was. Hanamiya didn't look taken aback, but he sure decided to be on guard.

    Riko was bandaging Kiyoshi's bad knee so he could play more comfortably. Although he didn't show it, there was a bit of worry in the air around him. Kiyoshi didn't want Kirisaki Dai Ichi to hurt his teammates and his teammates didn't want Kirisaki Dai Ichi to hurt Kiyoshi again. 

    Riko finished taking care of his knee.

    "There, it's done. Don't push yourself too hard. If I see you're in trouble, I'll sub you out." She warned him.

    "Ok." Kiyoshi answered shortly. As he passed by the first-years on the bench, he patted their heads. He did the same to the manager when he passed by her.

    "Good luck, senpai." (Y/N) said softly as she smiled at him.

    "Everything is going to be fine, don't worry." He said nicely to her and (Y/N) took a deep breath as he went away.

    The game finally started. Izuki grabbed the ball first and passed it to Hyuuga. The captain passed it to Kuroko and the blue haired boy went past his opponent with his Vanishing Drive. 

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