Chapter 2: Almost over

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Classes were over and the time was currently 5 pm. Namjoon could only drop me off because his parents wanted him home immediately. Unsure of the reason, he complied because he was a good son. I entered the house, locking the door after, quickly announcing my return to anyone who was present. I sighed, my body already feeling the extreme exhaustion, dragging my feet to go up the stairs to head to my bed for a quick nap before doing my homework. It wasn't until loud greetings were given from the top of the staircase. My cousins and sister were back from their classes and school, watching me enter the spacious entrance.

"No, don't come up. Lunch is done, let's eat." My sister says, having the 2 siblings follow he down. I dropped my bag at the one-seater placed near the spiral staircase, a round table placed beside it, and a vase decorating the space. I followed the three of them to the dining hall where grandmother was already sitting in her seat. "Come, let's eat." Grandmother invited and we took our seats. My female cousin, Hana, took a seat beside me whereas her older brother sat beside my younger sister, opposite of us. Jiho, Hana's brother led the prayer before we began to dig in for an early dinner. 

"Are you sleeping over?" I asked, because they had school tomorrow. Jiho was in his last year of high school, whereas Hana was in he 2nd year. They went to different schools, both in one gender schools because auntie and uncle thought it was best for them. "We're staying here from now on." Jiho replies, and it didn't come as a shock because their schools were literally closer from here compared to their house. "Did you just arrive?" I asked again before putting a spoonful of rice into my mouth. "Yeah, mom sent us during lunch." Hana's turn to reply. 

It was a jackpot that our youngest uncle gifted grandmother a big house for her to live in. Grandmother used to live with my family because father and mother were constantly away due to their careers. We had just recently moved here because our youngest uncle wanted to give the house to grandmother so she could hosts parties and meetings with her friends. It only happened once because grandmother preferred to stay at home alone with her grandchildren. She just loved cooking big meals, hence, why. 

Dinner ended with cupcakes that grandmother baked. Helping her wash the dishes and store the remaining food in containers, we quickly finished the chore in a few minutes. We went up into our respective rooms, Jiho and Hana continuing the unpacking whilst Aecha and I did our homework. I left my bedroom door open, in case anyone needed me. I took out the homework that must be done and placed them on my table. As I sat on my chair, the laziness came over me, pushing me towards my bed. I gripped the edge of my wooden table, battling this feeling so I could get to sleep early. 

I moaned as I stretched my body and arms. "If you finish this, you can go to sleep until next morning. Let's get it." I sighed deeply before prying my eyes off the warm and cozy bed to my laptop and books laid in front of me.

I groaned in pain after sitting for so long. I grabbed my phone that was on the table beside my laptop, lighting the screen to see the current time. It was 9 pm and there was a few bits left to complete so I don't have to worry on continuing this tomorrow. The sky had gone dark before I knew it because of my focus on completing the work I had today. Taking a short break, I decided to make myself a cup of warm tea to keep me up and warm from the cold breeze of my air conditioner. As I stood up to have another stretch, I felt eyes on me again, so I turned towards the direction I felt it was coming from, which was the door to my room. I chewed on my lip, looking around the room before getting a chill run up my spine. I quickly grabbed my phone and exited my room that gave off an eerie feeling. My heart pounding hard and fast in my ribcage at the feeling I felt in my room.

I climbed down hurriedly, as if I was being chased by a ghost because the feeling was still there, running at me with anger in its steps, wanting to catch me. My fear took over me and increased rapidly, so I skipped some steps on the marble staircase, hoping to out run whatever it was. At my last step, I was startled when a body was in front of me, a pair of muscular arms hugging me as I jumped at the sudden touch and presence. I looked up and saw Namjoon, a look of worry all over his features. I had sweat trickling down my face as my heart won't keep calm. Without waiting, I quickly hugged Namjoon, gripping his sweater tightly as a few tears fell. "I'm here, alright? I'm here, baby." Namjoon comforted me as he comforts me, rubbing my back, soothing me in an instant. He added light kisses to my head, hoping to calm me more from the terrible scare I had.

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