Chapter 11: The News

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It's been another few days at the hospital. Uncle Jinho had to be admitted since the doctors and specialists he sought kept telling him to undergo many types of procedures as they were unsure of how to remove the pain he was feeling. They kept giving him painkillers and other medicines but they were of no use. He had also begun to eat less and less now because of the wound he has from the surgery he underwent recently.

Mom was getting restless because she didn't know what to do. They kept jumping from hospital to hospital, they even decided to head all the way to Singapore where Uncle Jinho's friend, who is also a doctor, will help with his pain. However, that option had to be put on hold because the family didn't possess that much expense for the entire trip.

The hospital was deadly silent at 2.40 am as everyone was tired from the recent events. Luckily, Uncle Jinho would be released tomorrow, but that didn't mean we would go home peacefully. 2 months had passed from the day I got offered the scholarship. We thought Uncle Jinho would return to his healthy state because he seemed to be responding very well to the medications given, but he began to visit the hospital again in the past 2 weeks. They were his checkups but he often said he felt uncomfortable in his stomach area, so he thought maybe the procedure was not complete.

In the past 2 months, my life had remained the same. There was still no answer from him about our status but he often joined every time the guys insisted we hung out again like old times. I didn't bother to try and have a conversation with Namjoon because I still wouldn't know what to talk about with him. It felt awkward between us and it was all because of Jungkook, who also vanished for most of the days or nights. The nights he did come to visit, we would end up having intercourse again, some nights mild seeing as he was not into it like how it was when Namjoon and I were together. I chose to believe that he only came to disturb my life because Namjoon was in mine because he barely even treated me like how it was back then. As pissing as that sounds, I was very relieved because seeing him just angered me.

Time stood still in the quiet hospital but I couldn't bring myself to sleep, so I decided to just browse the photos I have in my gallery. There were so many photos of Namjoon and I that it made me tear up. My heart ached at our current situation right now. Life became dull and relieving after the entire 'accident' and I can't help thinking that Namjoon may have found someone new. Maybe the day the accident happened, he had already made up his mind that we were over. There were so many questions roaming inside my head that I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the answers that I didn't hold. It stresses me that I can barely figure my life out anymore. 

It doesn't help that I would be transferring to London next month. I had handed in my semester results and the university I chose accepted me. I was over the moon but I was also conflicted. 

Should I tell Namjoon ? What did Jungkook mean that day ? 

My life became such a blur and I was walking straight into it. Unsure of the risks that would be coming my way. I wished it had returned to before the 'accident'. I constantly regretted that day but it had happened. There was no going back. 

I had approximately 3 weeks before I leave, and because it was the long semester break, I had time to actually sulk and plan my future. Since Namjoon was not giving me an answer, I assumed we are over, so that makes my life easier since I wouldn't have to worry about Namjoon when I'm halfway across the globe. I also thought that by going, I would make my family proud because Uncle Jinho had been working on a new project that would help earn him billions. He even insisted on funding me once he begins the project because he wanted to see the 5 of us succeed, but I managed to get the scholarship first, so I had cleared 1 burden off his shoulders, at most. Besides, I've always dreamt of studying abroad, even way before Namjoon had entered my life. I suppose the end of this relationship helped me to open new opportunities.

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