Chapter 6: Tears

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I had not been feeling myself after the dream I had. My body became weaker and more tired as if every sex dream I had was sucking my energy and life out of me. I would wake up with tears on my face, my throat parched, a pounding headache, and the yearning for sleep. Having classes was not the only thing that made it more difficult for me to have some extra sleep because my body clock knew that I must wake up in between 8 am to 8.30 am. If I woke up later, I would have a massive headache for the entire day. Luckily the dreams I have with Jungkook were just during the night, but it wasn't helping me the least as my activities were during the day.

The guys immediately asked me if my sleep was getting better after they heard of my napping during class. They couldn't find an answer to why I suddenly had a good rest on that day, but they tried to find ways for me to get that sleep again. Namjoon was getting more worried by the day. According to him, it looked like I had lost my soul. I didn't know what to say because they would find it hard to believe. To make things worse, every time I see Namjoon, the dream flashes through my mind and I start replacing Namjoon's face with Jungkook's. I would jump and cry when my mind plays tricks on me, ending with Namjoon having to distance himself. I already feel bad that I had treated him badly back in our early years, so the thought of atoning for those mistakes is to treat him more than what he gave.

A month had passed and that meant semester break. I was quite relieved that time passed by quick because I just wanted to have some rest from people and classes. Apparently, I found a way for me to actually get that sleep, and it meant I had to actually lock myself up in my room, having as less interaction as possible. During the weeks where I was scared of 'Namjoon', I didn't have anyone to talk to. My best friends went different universities, so we barely talked. My only friends were the guys, but after what happened, the guys thought I should get some rest at home or maybe see a doctor even if I told them that it was more of a paranormal kind of disturbance. Yoongi may have believed me, but he didn't try to help me solve this problem. I just thought because his parents are constantly travelling, helping people who had paranormal events happening to them, and I didn't want to bother them, especially when I'm still unsure who Jungkook is. Besides, my uncle's health is more important.

Over lunch one day, it was just grandmother and me, so she told me how her stepmother used black magic on her father so he would marry her. Her father was one of the richest people back in the days, and he was also popular for helping the people out. However, her father was very loyal, even after the death of her mother, which was his wife, so her stepmother had used black magic to gain the attention of her father into marrying her. It worked of course, but I pitied grandmother and all her siblings because they became play things for the demons or her perennial to disturb, pushing my grandmother and her twin down the stairs, breaking of the heels of her shoes, leave bruises on her bodies and more. In summary, her life was hell as long as her stepmother lived. Grandmother couldn't stand any of it as soon as she got older, before she was married, so she asked a priest to remove the perennial, as said by the priest, from her stepmother since she was also hurting and dying a slow and painful death, caused by her perennial. The priest said he could remove it, but it would end her life immediately because it had become one with her stepmother, so grandmother decided to not remove it but let her die slowly.

Grandmother told how uncle Jinho's health deteriorating out of shock was no coincidence because uncle Jinho, aunt Seyeon, Jiho, and Hana would go jogging at the park every weekends. There was never a skip because I would always see them out at the park together as a family. Uncle's health had even made his and auntie's friends weirded out because they know how strict he is when it comes to taking care of his health, so for him to suddenly have this sudden sickness raises a question in everyone. Uncle and aunt would also go for their regular check ups, and that was every month, so for uncle to have a sudden cancer when his last check up, which was last month, said he was healthy and that there were no illnesses was strange.

The word spread like wildfire to our other aunts and uncles, my mother's cousins to put it simply. We could only pray for his health to improve, but the doctor said he had a 50/50 percent chance of living, which was weird because the cancer had already been removed. I felt bad for Jiho. Even though I'm the eldest among our first cousin relationship, he was a male. Uncle Jinho had reminded him that it was his responsibility to take care of Aecha and I even if I am older than him. To uncle and auntie, we were also their children because we would have family gatherings every chance we could come together. Mother had also reminded me that Aecha and I should treat Jiho, Hana and their youngest sister as our own as well, to always have each other's backs. 

As the eldest among the 5, I feel constant pressure and the need to protect my sister and my cousins, it just felt like my responsibility, but I haven't been able to engage with my cousins like how my sister does. I just found company annoying. I don't know why, but I do know, it's complicated for me. It's like someone was controlling me from having any human interactions and to just stay locked up in my room when I clearly hated the idea of being in my room constantly. 

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