Chapter 7: A Surprise Visit

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We entered the empty house after staying at the hospital, in fact, the final stay because uncle had just been discharged. Grandmother walked through the hallways filled with paintings right after keeping her coat in the closet that was near the main door. It was lunchtime, so as usual, grandmother cooks for us. To the left of the entrance hall was the first living room which had Jiho, Hana, and Aecha lounging about, probably tired from the constant rush from school to hospital to home for the past month. During the weekends, I would be the only one at home, and like every other time I'm alone, the eerie feeling was there. I just had to force myself to think of God who is always protecting his believers from evil. I would remind myself to make the atmosphere bearable for me to get by during the weekends. Calling Namjoon or the guys would be an option but I kept crying, wanting to get away from Namjoon or any guy that comes close to me.

I eventually calmed down after a month, but it was still there. The worst part was that Jungkook had been appearing as an extremely horrifying figure, be it in my dreams or real life. It only happens when I'm all alone and it doesn't help that I'm the type to just cry and hide instead of running out of the house. I couldn't tell the others because I didn't want them to be freaked out, it would only make things worse. The night prayers do help, but he was still there in his horrifying form, instead of the one in my dreams. 

I joined the others in the living room, fishing out my phone to scroll through social media, hoping to find interesting posts from people. Finding nothing, my thumb unconsciously opened Namjoon's chat on Kakao. My heart skipped a beat as I contemplated whether to call him over or not. My heart was saying yes, but there was a feeling that I shouldn't, thinking he already had plans. Biting my lip as my eyes lingered on the keyboard, I stared at it for a few silent moments before finally typing in the words with heavy fingers. It felt like someone was forcing me to not type and send the message, but I did it anyways. I waited for a few seconds, thinking Namjoon would reply soon, and he did. 

Half of me said he was free and would come stay over, but the other half of me says he's busy with his friends, out at a college party. I wanted it to be the former because I missed him terribly. I missed us hanging out together and the sleepovers we would have during the weekends. 

Namjoon was typing too long and it made me anxious.

He's busy Y/n. He's busy.

A text bubble popped up and I quickly read the text he sent. It made me smile that he was coming over in 10, so I told them that Namjoon was coming for a sleepover. They hummed and I left to change into more comfortable clothing. I opened my wardrobe and started going through the folded clothes since they were my house wear. Thinking of the weather, I quickly opted for a white rounded neck tee that had quite a thin fabric and a pair of booty shorts. I was satisfied with my choice so I began changing. Once I was done, I put the clothes I wore to the hospital into my hamper. I went over to my vanity, brushing my hair so I would look more presentable. As I was busy fixing my hair, I stopped what I was doing after realizing the outfit I wore was very familiar. I chose to ignore, thinking I may have worn this several times, hence, the familiarity. 

"Y/n! Your friend is here!" Hana's voice echoed through the hallways until it reached my room that had the door open ajar. A smile formed itself onto my face, can't wait to see Namjoon again after so long. My heart raced at the thought of seeing him, but calmed down when thinking of him because he simply gave me peace and safety. I walked a little quicker than my pace, not wanting to leave Namjoon waiting at the entrance hall since my cousins like to question him about our relationship and stuff. Due to my overwhelming happiness, I skipped a few steps until I reached the bottom, looking up as I said, "Joon-"

I stopped once I noticed who it was. Fear consumed me at the sight of the man I desperately wanted to run away from. Out of terror, I took a small step back as my sight on him remained, ones that were filled with fear. "Y/n, halmeoni said she's going to go out for groceries. I'll send her and they're coming," Jiho informs me that everyone would be leaving the house for groceries, leaving me here with Jungkook. "W-" My sentences were cut off by halmeoni who asked who Jungkook was. The said man bowed and smiled at halmeoni but she gave him a look before turning to me. She looked like she was hesitating to leave me alone because she might have sensed Jungkook's aura, but the three children were already out the door, bidding me and Jungkook good bye. Halmeoni could only give me a look, telling me to read my prayers while they were gone before leaving with heavy steps. The door closed and it only left Jungkook and I.

Jungkook had a sinister smile on his face, as if knowing that this would happen, anticipating for this moment. He hung his head as he played with the ring on his ring finger of his tattoed hand. My heart raced from fear, as I took more steps back while reading my prayers, hoping this was just another dream. "What fun would that be, my love?" he chuckled evilly as he took steps towards me. His arm did not hesitate to slither around my waist, pulling me into him. I squeaked, arms up to protect myself even if it was useless. His dark chuckle quickened my heart beat even more, wondering what was happening. "Ah, just like how I touch at night. Still so soft and fragrant," Jungkook compliments me as he sniffs my neck, a satisfied smile on his face. 

"Am I dreaming?" I muttered, asking myself the question, but Jungkook helped reply with the words I wished were not true right now, "Do you really want to go to bed now? I wouldn't mind darling, but it's no fun fucking your half dead body," he whispers into my ear, putting in emotion into his words, stressing on the curse word. I gulped.

Jungkook distanced himself a little from me, eyes raking me from top to bottom with his teeth biting his bottom pink lip. Unfortunately, I was too late because he managed to lock eyes with me even if for a moment before I looked away. He sucked in his teeth before speaking, "Looks like someone wants to relive that dream," he teases as he tries to find my orbs again with his bottom lip between his teeth. I shakily shook my head, denying his assumptions.

With courage, I pushed him away from me harshly, giving me space to run into my bedroom, locking it after. "Y/n love, you know you can't run away from me," he chuckles darkly, taunting me like it was his job to make me feel uncomfortable. I backed away from the door, raking my hair back with my fingers as I tried to find a way to escape this living nightmare. 

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