Chapter 22: Insanity and Drugs

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The doctor and nurses exited the room they strapped Y/n in, closing the door after them. The 5 of us huddled around the doctor, our faces doing all the talking as the doctor quickly explained the situation.

"We suspect that the amount of incidents happening around her has led her to an unspeakable rage, assuming she blames herself for failing to protect her beloved people. Hence, why she chose to lash out at the young man earlier. But don't worry, we injected benzodiazepines into her earlier, a calming drug that will help her relax in due time. For now, please monitor her and if there happens to be a problem, do not hesitate to press the button or call us. If you may excuse us," The doctor explained lengthily before leaving with the nurses to return to their tasks.

I started feeling stressed as I feel the thumping in my head as if someone was hitting me. I rubbed my temples, trying to calm myself as the crazy things happening around us were becoming impossible to comprehend. I looked towards Y/n who slowly calmed down on the bed, the drugs kicking into effect but it looked like she didn't want to stop. My heart clenched as I peered into the room from the small glass window at the door, giving me the access to see inside without the need to open the door.

"Sorry about that, Kook. It's just...crazy," Taehyung apologized to his cousin with a pat on his shoulder before letting it rest at his side again. Jimin sighed frustratedly, his hand swiping his hair out of his face as he faced the ceiling above us in distress. Hoseok on the other hand was pacing back and forth with stress written all over his face. His hands on his hips while he paces.

"Where's Yoongi when you need him ?" I released a frustrated sigh as I began copying Hoseok and Jimin, feeling helpless without Yoongi right now. 

"Is Y/n going to be ok ?" I hear Jungkook ask anyone in general since all of us were trying to calm ourselves from this intense atmosphere. "Hopefully." Taehyung answers him before fishing his phone out to call Yoongi, knowing how dire the situation at hand is.

As the sound of the connecting call passed through my ear, I remembered that Y/n and Jungkook are classmates and dorm neighbours, so I turned to look at Jungkook and this caught him off guard as he stumbled back, catching his balance quickly.  I squinted my eyes at him, "Has Y/n been doing ok back in London ? Tell us the truth." I demanded.

Jungkook took a peak at Y/n through the glass before nodding his head to me. "Nothing was wrong with her. She studied a lot. And had fun a lot," Jungkook states but I noticed a small smirk slipping from his pink lips. I blinked, thinking I was hallucinating but by the time I looked again, his lips were pouting, displaying an innocent face as if he didn't know much about Y/n's whereabouts or well-being there. I shrugged off the feeling but something told me something was wrong with Jungkook, but I couldn't put a finger on it.

Taehyung hissed after the calls failed to pass through Yoongi. This gained my attention and made me move closer towards him to stand beside him. "Have you texted him ?" I asked quickly while Taehyung opened the groupchat to text him about today's activities.

"Where has Yoongi been ? It's like he disappeared after semester break started," Hoseok asked, scratching his head as he tried calling Yoongi.

A doctor came towards us and looking how he was in his scrubs, Namjoon's surgery was completed. Forgetting about Yoongi, we huddle around him so he could tell us the progress. We were too occupied to notice Jungkook slipping into the room, unsure of what he was doing.


I felt my eyes slowly droop as the drug took effect. My tensed muscles relaxed and I felt myself drained of any energy. My head still hurt and the pounding feeling was there but I was too tired to care since all I wanted was some good sleep after the roller coaster of events that happened.

My eyes grew smaller as my vision slowly became blurry and dark, drowning into slumber with the help of the drug, until I was rudely awakened with his presence. I inhaled sharply, trying to fight myself from sleeping as he stood next to me, observing me with pride.

I felt his hand stroking my head as he leaned in closer, our lips inches away. I think the doctor overdosed me because I felt myself slowly losing consciousness, falling into slumber with his smirk being the last thing in my eyes.

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