Chapter 16: The Sixth Sense

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I stretched my back from hunching too long after listening to the lecture going on by the Financial Accounting professor. Right now, everyone either napped on the pristine wooden table, talked with friends, or were on their phones. I looked down to the table where my tablet rested, the screen displaying the notes I had taken earlier. We were given a 5-minute break before we continued,  so I decided to rest my head on the table as I feel my body and mind slowly drifting into rest, my arms supporting my head on hard surface.

My eyes slowly shut until his voice whispered into my ear, feeling his hand slipping in between my thighs. I was too used to this that it unfazed me of whatever he was doing. My body temperature immediately increased before a soft moan slowly slipped from my lips, head still resting on the table, unmoving.

"Don't hide those moans from me, love," his sultry voice whispered into my ear, slowly making me drift into a deep slumber. The little will left in me forced my eyes to stay open because I could not afford to sleep right now, not when my seat was very clear to the professor if I were to show any actions besides participating in class.

An alarm blared in my mind, screaming at me to stay awake, and as what the brain should be doing, I jolted up from my seat, scaring the few students who were sitting in nearby me. I looked towards them and bowed my head a little while apologizing to them for my behavior. I turned to Jungkook who sat beside me, his hand now placed on my thigh as his head leans back, looking at me with a smirk before looking towards the front with his eyes closed.

He squeezed my thigh as a moan slipped from his lips, causing people to look towards us, some snickering and talking about us. My eyes widened as I quickly extended my arms to cover Jungkook's, earning an amused glint in his eyes as he lifted his head that was resting from the bench's back board. When I was confident that he had stopped, I sheepishly smiled at everyone and apologized before looking towards Jungkook with him giggling.

"Ah, what a scandal would that be. Hm, love ?" He teases as his silent giggles have yet to stop.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring him before I prepared to get ready for the lecture again. I sensed Jungkook leaning into my side, his hot breath fanning my earlobe as he whispers, "Let's skip class and continue what we were doing earlier, hm ? We can make it come to life if that's what you want." 

I felt tears pooling in my eyes, remembering how tired I was after last night. My body could not take it anymore. I needed break, but he won't give me. I tried begging for him that one night because I had an assignment to do, but he refused saying I could do it tomorrow. He then threw a rampage because I was being difficult, so he ended up raping me like an animal. I had to skip class the next 2 days, emotionally unstable at that moment. Luckily Claire helped me study after our classes were over, or else I would've failed the pop quiz that week.

I released a shaky breath as I shut my eyes and faced my lap. I quiet sob escaping along with a tear rolling down my S/c cheeks. My shaky hands quickly rubbed my cheeks, destroying every ounce of evidence of my tears from my face so people wouldn't question me for it. I looked towards Jungkook with pleading eyes, still hoping he would grant me this one wish.

"J-Jungkook.." I stammered as he looked at me with lustful eyes, gliding his tongue on his bottom lip.

My hands immediately clasped each other tightly, still shaky as I try to reorder my words.

"C-Can we.. n-not do it.. today ? I-I feel t-tired. B-But I'll make it up to you a-another d-day." My voice soft as I begged him with tears threatening to fall onto my cheeks. 

Jungkook sighed, an unreadable expression on his face that scared me of his response. I gulped as my throat had felt extremely dry that I needed to drink a whole bottle of water right now. I didn't know why I was so afraid of him. I mean, I was always afraid of him, but the fear almost felt abnormal. As if Jungkook wasn't... a human.

"Sure, love. But you better keep your promise. Or I'll just have to fuck you until you remember it," Jungkook leaned into me, hi slips grazing the shell of my ear as he says those words. My heart beat quickly out of fear and happiness.

"T-Thank you, J-Jungkook," I whispered softly, only audible for him to hear.

Soon after, professor continued the lecture and classes went by like normal.

I had already reached my dorm room after grabbing lunch with Alexa. The both of us became close in an instant and I was relieved that I had a close friend that I can talk to and maybe depend on. I pushed the door open to my room so Alexa and I can enter since it's been long since we last hung out, which was 3 days ago. I considered it long because we only talked to each other for a few minutes before Jungkook came in and conducts his activities like normal.

As Alexa stepped in after I did, she closed the door before looking around my room, as if looking for something or someone. I walked towards my bed, putting my bag on the floor beside my bed whereas Alexa sat on my chair, her bag next to mine. I laid down on the soft surface, feeling my body slowly relaxing, inviting me to get some sleep.

"Y/n, I have to tell you something." Alexa says, worry laced in her words. This made me lie on my side so I can look at her whilst resting. I hummed, asking her to continue. It seemed urgent and her eyes looked like she was scared.

"How long have you known Jungkook ? And... how well do you know him ?" She asked, patience somehow running thin to hear my answer.

My pupils moved up as I tried to think of the answers. 

"I'm not sure of how long since.. it's quite complicated. And.. I don't really know him apart from him being cousin's to one of my best friends back home. Why..?" I asked, my body slowly sitting up as the conversation was getting interesting.

"Before I tell you of my.. opinions, suggestions, I need to tell you something about myself, first," She says before taking a deep breath while my attention was solely on her.

"I have a sixth sense. Basically, I can.. see... and hear supernatural beings. The ghosts, devils.. those things. It's a gift since I was little, and um.. about Jungkook," she stops and gulps.

"He's not human. He's considered as a.. demon." Alexa states nervously. My mind went paralyzed at what she was saying because it sounded absurd. But experiencing weird things with him definitely made it believable.

"W-What do you mean, Alexa ?" 

"It's actually a rare case that this happens. And I'm not so sure about this, but.. there are cases that demons fall in love with a human. One of the things they do are using their human as a way to taint their souls so they would go to to hell with their family, their... children."

"C-Children...?" I stuttered, not believing any of this.

"Yes. If you guys had sex, it's considered as human sex. And because there's not really any.. prevention.. besides prayers of course, you basically give birth to little... demons," she nodded her head, confirming my assumption before she explained.

I began to panic, my heart beating erratically as I hear this. 

"If you ever feel extremely tired after every time you guys do sex, that's Jungkook sucking your soul, bit by bit." 

I was out of words at what she was saying. I felt my breathing getting harder as I tried to comprehend her words right now. 

I jumped from my seat as my phone rang, somehow my hands shaking as I extended and arm to reach it laying beside me. I gulped, hoping it wasn't the person...or.. demon.. we were talking about.

My eyes slowly looked towards the screen of my phone that continued to play my ringtone. My breathing stopped all the while trying to take a look at the caller's ID.

My breathing flowed smoothly but rapidly when it was the thing I least expected. Seeing who it was, I quickly answered, worried about what could possibly happen back home. Was uncle Jinho ok ? How about the others ?

"Hello, mom ?" I said shakily as tears cascaded down my cheeks.

"Y/n dear, you have to come home. It's urgent."

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