Chapter 13: New Adventures

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"Hey, I'm Alexa. It's nice to meet you," a girl with long dark brown hair approached me as I struggled to bring my luggage up to the 3rd floor. "It's nice to meet you too. I'm Y/n. I'm a transfer student by the way," I introduced myself as we both walked up the staircase to reach my destination. "In that case, consider me your first friend ! What are you majoring in ? I'm a Business student," she continues, and that made me smile in relief because I had a friend to go to the building with. "I'm an Accounting major. We can go to classes together then ?" I asked, somewhat regretting the question as it seemed clingy.

Luck was on my side when Alexa smiled, "Sure ! I'll introduce you to my friends too. Oh, by the way, was the tattoed guy that walked into this building with his luggage, with you ?" The question made me silent for a while before I agreed with a nod. Alexa's eyes had this mischievous glint in them, giving me a heads-up on the question she would ask. "Is he your brother ?" my mind internally vomited at the thought of him being my brother. He was a vile creature that I did not want to be involved with, and as much as I want to get rid of him, I had a feeling it was impossible.

"No. God no ! He's a...cousin of one of my best friends," I spoke the truth which earned a giggle from the dark haired girl. "You sound like you're disgusted with him. Why is that ?" she prompted. I shrugged my shoulders, unsure of how to tell her the truth, or somewhat a plausible lie. "He's just very childish and annoying. A brother like that just makes me go crazy, and I already have a sister who's half as crazy as him," I joked. The both of us burst into laughter and continued chatting about other things whilst reaching my room.

Alexa places the medium black luggage onto the carpeted floor of my room. I heavily sighed in relief, thankful we arrived sooner than we thought. I brought 2 luggage with me, 1 large and the other medium. This is the first time I would be travelling alone so I had to be extra prepared. The checklist given was already enough and so did the videos on Youtube, but I had the tendency to over worry, so I just had to bring more.

"There's going to be a party later in this building. Come if you want, it's just like a...'Welcome back to College' party. Oh, give me your phone so we can share numbers." Alexa requests. I fished out my phone and handed it to her as I pushed my luggage further in so the entrance was not partially blocked. Once she was done, she returned my phone and got ready to leave. "Text me if you're going. Or if you forget, just swing by, I'll be there anyways," she smiled broadly pulling the door to my room. My smile faded as soon as I saw who was at the door, and instant shiver ran up me, making me move a step back without realizing.

Jungkook was leaning at the frame of my door, hands crossed across his chest with a flirtatious smirk on his pink lips. Alexa jumped as she did not expect him to be there, but smiled nonetheless. "Hi, I'm Alexa," she introduced, having no clue who Jungkook was. Jungkook roamed his eyes up and down her whilst biting his bottom lip. "I'm Jungkook," he lets out a hand for her to shake. Alexa's stand got tensed after she shook his hand. Her head turning towards me, blocking her facial features from Jungkook as she let out a strained and uncomfortable smile. I stood there, not knowing what to do. Jungkook released her hold and entered my room casually, as if we were friends.

He strode towards my bed, laying himself comfortably on it. I wanted to voice out to him, telling him he should leave, but as if my body was being controlled, I could only keep quiet and bid Alexa goodbye before unpacking my things. Alexa lingered at the door for awhile, observing me. She looked hesitant for an unknown reason but left anyways. Now it's just me and Jungkook. My heart raced as we were both in an enclosed space. 

Would people hear if I screamed ?

I tried to ignore that he was here, in general. Hoping the next 3 years would be quick. I had a mission to accomplish and I didn't want him as a distraction. 

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