Chapter 20: Tragedies

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Lunchtime had arrived so we were called down to eat with the others in the dining hall. Namjoon and Yoongi joined us and left after since they plans for the day. I walked them out and bid them 'goodbye' and 'thank you' since they stayed by me yesterday night and until I woke up this morning. Namjoon however told me that he would try to be back tonight, still afraid if anything would happen to me in my sleep. I told him it wasn't necessary but being the stubborn and caring boyfriend he is, he insisted and left saying, "See you tonight, love !" before leaving immediately, not letting me prohibit him again.

I entered once I saw both of them get into Namjoon's car since he offered to drop Yoongi back home. Yoongi reminded me to read my prayers, especially before sleeping since Jungkook was well aware that I wanted to get rid of him, but that could only happen with the help of Yoongi's mother since she was more trained and knowledgeable in removing him. Closing the grand white door that was the main entrance of the house, I turned around to my sister and cousins at the doorframe of the long corridor that led to the back area of the house. 

"You're getting rid of him, right ?" Aecha asked with an eyebrow raised while her arms crossed over her chest. "Yup. I told Yoongi and he said he'll tell Mrs. Min," I said with a relieved sigh before smiling. Assuming there was nothing else left to say, I ascended the marbled staircase to head to my room, but halted when an eerie voice came out of Aecha. 

"Are you sure by getting rid of me your life would be better ?" 

I turned towards Aecha that stood beside Jiho and Hana, their eyes completely white as the three of them stood with heads tilted to the left with their arms crossed over their chests. Fear began pooling in me as I remained stuck to the current steps I was on. 

"What makes you think you would be safe ? Your family would be safe ?" The three of them said in unison with the same eerie voice that stopped me halfway up the staircase.

"You're the last one, Y/n. And you don't know how hopeless you are when it comes to your family." They threatened me, arousing fear to reach its peak as the voice reverberate throughout the entire house, forcing me to crouch in fear as I sat on the steps of the staircase, putting more pressure onto my palms as I try my best to block out the voice, pleading for it stop.

"I'll kill each and everyone you love, one by one, until you beg me to stop. But I won't. I'll torture them in front you, rip their limbs and taint their souls before dragging them to hell with me. Then, I'll kill you. Slowly, and painfully, until you beg. UNTIL YOUR VERY LAST BREATH !" The voice increased over time as I wailed in pain and fear, begging for it to stop.

"Y/N !" A familiar voice called out to me, awakening me from my terror. My head shot up once I felt a warm embrace around me, acting as a shield from the mental torture I was going through. The tears that were begging for it stop came down even more after feeling mother's arms around me, patting my back to calm me down. I fisted her shirt, pulling her closer, hoping our bodies would mesh together as the fear was still evident to everyone that stood either beside me, or at the base of the staircase, looking up to where I was crying my heart out.

"It's ok. It's ok. You're safe, hm ?" Mother gently says into my ear as she tries calm my erratic heart, beating hardly against my ribcage. "He was here.. H-He was here." I chanted, as I wept like a child that just saw a monster from under my bed as mother never left my side until I calmed down, but tears would just not stop.

Mother had brought me into my room, sitting on my swivel chair as the rest of the family stood outside the door, looking at me with worry. I played with the empty glass that was once filled with water that I gulped in one shot. My heart still raced with fear even if my family was right outside my room, even mother was sitting closely to me. I tried to forget his words that continue to haunt me, knowing it could be an illusion, but it was difficult for me to ignore it since I feared that he could do it with a snap of his fingers since he possessed powers. Unfortunately, I couldn't even calm the tornado in my head because Uncle Jinho started falling, as if his body had completely shut down. 

My head shot towards everyone that was now surrounding Uncle Jinho with Jiho trying to lift his father's weight from completely laying flat on the carpeted floor. My body shot up from the bed, ready to jog towards the commotion, when I stopped after hearing his voice whispering into my ear. 


I had a feeling what he was going to say, and at that moment everything I feared cam through. Jiho and Hana started screaming, crying and begging for Uncle Jinho to still breathe but by the time Aunt Seyeon was on the phone calling for help. By the looks of Jiho, Uncle Jinho had lost his pulse, so he immediately yelled everyone to give him and Uncle Jinho some space as he did CPR. Aunt Seyeon began screaming over the phone, asking to them rush as she reported the current situation, her tears falling like waterfall as she witnessed her son trying his best to save his father. Grandmother had fainted after having a panic attack and mother had no choice but to try and make sure she didn't lose her too. Father was not here since he had to work abroad leaving me felling an ultimate burden as I watch this dreaded scene unfold in front of me.

"..down." His voice continued and I could only stay in there shock, unsure of what to do as everything became blurry and unclear, unable to see and hear clearly of the current situation.

We all sat outside the OR and ER, that were a distanced with a massive waiting lounge in between, waiting for the doctors to come out. Jiho and Hana looked soulless as they sat on the couch while mother tried to comfort Aunt Seyeon who was crying her out. Mother couldn't cry because she felt like it would not help in supporting everyone's condition.

Aecha hugged Hana who tried her best to not cry beside her brother, sitting there void of emotion. Hana busted into tears as she cried into Aecha's chest, refusing to agree that this was reality. Aecha's tears fell after  holding them back for quite some time.

I sat alone at the corner of the lounge, nearby the window, my head filled with fear as my heart was in denial. I felt myself going crazy as the 2 of the family are laying in hospital beds, still unsure of their current status as the doctor had not exited.

After waiting for awhile, the doctors finally came out of the rooms. Unsure to listen to whom first, the doctors from the OR began first. I remained seated as the rest huddled around the doctors, and I instantly knew how Uncle Jinho was doing. Aunt Seyeon cried as mother embraced so she wouldn't fall to the ground. As for Jiho and Aecha, they stayed still like a statue, still not able to comprehend what was going on. Uncle Jinho's doctor announced his time of death and this devastated everyone more. We were at lost of words to the point we almost forgot about grandmother's report.

Aecha who seemed to be unoccupied at the moment decided to ask about grandmother. 

"She would need to be hospitalized for a few days since we need to monitor her health. We also gathered that she has been having a few health issues and the most dangerous as of now his her blood pressure. We also need consent on performing surgery as our reports have identified cancer stage 3 in her liver."

At this point, mother had removed her attention from Aunt Seyeon as she also stopped her tears after hearing the sudden news. "C-Cancer..?" Mother stuttered as she was still in shock. The doctor nodded and began explaining further of her diagnose and before the doctor could finish, mother was slowly going into a panic attack as she stumbled, luckily caught by Aecha who stood beside her.

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