Chapter 23: Saving Grace

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"Where am I ?" 

My eyes slowly opened as I try to adjust to the bright light that was currently blinding me from seeing where I was. All I could feel were my hands bound to something and that struggled me a little as I needed to rub my eyes from the remains of sleep. Unfortunately, I had to make due of what I could, so I tried blinking my eyes quickly despite being blinded by the light, but it became clearer soon.

As my vision was clear and I looked at my surroundings, memories from last night came flashing back, finally understanding why I couldn't move my arms. I sighed as I laid my head back on the semi-soft pillow under my head, closing my eyes before turning left and right to see if I could grab something, informing anyone that I was awake.

Among the things I saw on the bedside table on my left, my left hand felt a remote on the bed thanks to my fingers accidentally brushing them as I stretched my tensed wrists. Since my arms could barely move, I tried moving my left leg, hoping to press the call button with the back of my thigh.

"Good morning," a voice greeted me and without thinking who it belonged to, I greeted them back, still focusing on the remote that slightly moved to left, getting closer to the edge, panicking me because it could fall anytime. I inhaled sharply as my movements were futile.

As I tried another round of pulling the remote closer with my fingers, a hand grabbed it, shifting my attention to the owner and I quickly turned glum. I held a straight face, showing my dislike towards him being here but he replied with sweet smile, his two front teeth proud on display, resembling a soft and innocent bunny.

"Aw, is someone disappointed because it's not her boyfriend who came ?" He teases knowing Namjoon was in bed with multiple machines attached to him right now. Speaking of which, I shifted my gaze towards the door, hoping any of the guys would enter because I needed someone else besides him and wanting to know Namjoon and my family's condition.

"Ah, I almost forgot you were drugged yesterday. How was it ? Hm ?" He strokes my hair and my jawline, allowing him to do so without showing any repulse because it would only feed his ego.

"If you play nice.."

He brings my face to meet his, accidentally causing us to have a peck before I shake my head out of his hold and he chuckled, amused at my response that I badly regretted. But that didn't stop him from cupping chin so our cheeks were touching as he whispers, "I'll save your precious family." 

He had hit my weak spots again and again and being fully aware of the power he held right now, I shot my head to look at him with pleading eyes as I tried hard to remove the straps that bounded me. 

"J-Jungkook. P-Please don't hurt them. I'm begging you !" My voice shattered as I plead. If I could kneel before him, I would, completely forgetting that I should've begged God for help.

"Ah, I miss your begging. Remember how you begged me to fuck you in the pantry ?" He darkly chuckles as he takes a trip down memory lane.

"J-Jungkook.." I choked on my sobs as tears were falling because I knew he had them hanging on a thread right now. What else could he have possibly done to torture me more other than keeping their souls with him forever, leaving me alone in this world.

"I knew you would get the scholarship. You're very smart. I don't even have to tell you what I'm doing with them right now," His chuckles turned to a menacing laugh as his eyes were playing the scenes of my loved ones.

My mind wandered as I felt completely helpless right now. I didn't know how to save my family from Jungkook since he wanted something very valuable in exchange. I thought hard but nothing was appearing to mind since I could only think of my family. I began sweating profusely, wetting my baby hair and my back.

"Tick tock, love." 

Among the things I could thought would be valuable enough for him, was either keeping him or killing myself. I bit my lip, thinking which would be better because Jungkook was a trickster and I had to be smart about it. I didn't want the people around me get hurt continuously, so I shut my eyes, refusing to offer him the latter.

Opening my eyes, I looked right into his black ones. His eyes were shining and they were turning completely black, already happy with my decision. But he likes torture, so he forces me to say it aloud.

"I-I'll kill myself." I stammer as my heart beat against my ribcage hardly.

Jungkook leans in with a wide smirk on his face, the mischievous glint never leaving his eyes. As he scans me for any mischief which I could use against him, he releases me from the straps once he sees me helpless.


I would've think the view and the breeze was comforting, but I wasn't here to breathe in some fresh air. I was here to die. Jungkook thought it would be a fun way to showcase a grand gesture, so here I was, standing at the edge of the building, outside the safety barrier built to keep people from accidentally falling to their doom. 

I gulped as I held the railing tightly, looking down towards everyone that were panicking as they witness me getting ready to jump off. I hesitantly looked at Jungkook, asking him for another favor before I jumped.

"I'll jump, but please leave them alone from now on. Please." I begged, hiccupping.

Jungkook leaned his upper body towards the railing, a pout formed on his pink lips, mimicking someone who was thinking hard about the question given to answer. I shut my eyes, enjoying the breeze one last time before I let go of the railing, feeling my upper body falling first, no longer feeling the floor on my feet.


"NO !" 

I felt a hand grabbing mine, stopping me from falling. I looked up and saw Yoongi struggling to hold me as our hands were getting sweaty from all the adrenaline. 

"Give me you hand !" Yoongi demanded as he extends the other out for me. 

I shook my head violently. The tears not helping with my vision because I had given up. Others may think it was nothing heartbreaking compared to how difficult they were living, but to me, my family were the reason to why I was still living. Without them, or the thought of them getting hurt because of me only makes me unworthy of living because I failed to protect them. 

"Give me your hand, Kim Y/n ! Remember who you're supposed to trust !" Yoongi grunts as he tries to pull me up.

"You need to help me, Y/n. We can't help you if you don't help yourself first." Yoongi lectures me.

As much as my mind was clouded with the thoughts of dying, there was still sudden feeling that made me want to fight back. Without second thoughts, I quickly handed Yoongi my other arm so he could take it. I helped him to make pulling me easier by climbing the wall of the building while he pulled me until I was in within the safety barrier.

I dropped to the ground, legs shaky after what happened. It felt like I had used up every energy I had in climbing that my legs gave up on me. Yoongi quickly hugged me, supporting my weak body. I looked up and failed to spot Jungkook around. My heart relieved a little, but this only scared me of what he was plotting right now.

"Come on, let's get you inside." Yoongi says, carrying me on his broad back until we reached my room. Instead of strapping me after sitting me down on the bed, he took a seat on the one-seater placed next to my bed.

The guys came rushing in, panting heavily as if they searched the entire hospital for me. 

"You found her. Thank, God !" Hoseok pants, walking towards the table in front of my bed to pour himself a glass of water and downing it in one gulp. He wiped his wet lips with his arm before giving the glass to Taehyung who copied.

I looked towards Yoongi, worry evident on my face as I asked him, 

"What are we going to do about Jungkook ?"

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