Jet Lag

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                                                                 Chapter 6

" Nah I'm just joking with you, hi I'm Lauro, this asshead's best friend". His tone and manner changed to a more friendly look and feel as he held out his hand to shake.

"Bacia il mio(kiss my ass)." Luca said annoyed, Lauro and Alonzo laughed

"And I'm Alonzo, nice to meet you" Alonzo walked over and shook her hand. He then folded his arms. Then she shook Lauro's

"I'm trying to find words to tell you right now and my name is Sue-Ann" her voice went back to the way it was before the encounter.

"That's fine, nice to meet you. So what are you doing with our boss here today, I see you have your suitcases with you-"

"ah -ah- a!" Luca cut Lauro off, he walks up and pushes Lauro.

"let's go Emiliano and Armando are probably waiting for us"(they are the pilots). They all find their way to the jet and took off.

They were flying over the ocean and it was amazing to see the view. Even though it wasn't Sue-Ann's first time on a plane it was her first time on a private jet.

'She is so fascinated by everything she sees but it seems that she is terrified by looking at the bare ocean.' Luca's observing Sue-Ann's movements. Alonzo sat by himself so did Lauro, they both had something occupying them, Lauro had a book and at the verge of falling asleep while Alonzo has his music blasting in his headphones. Sue-Ann was sitting next to Luca. She looked so cute when she smiled. Luca wanted to kiss her but he knew that would be bad. He had to keep himself under control. He had never met a woman that makes him feel this way before after his ex-girlfriend.

"what are you thinking about?" Sue-Ann asked him.

"Nothing." he lied.

"Are you lying? I can always tell if someone is lying or not."

"Okay, I am thinking about the hug you gave me."
Sue-Ann took a while to respond and looked down.
"yeah I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," Sue-Ann said fiddling with her fingers.

"no no you didn't make me uncomfortable, I-I was just really really shocked."

'oh, that was a relief' Sue-Ann let out a quiet sigh.

"Can I ask you something?." Luca asked her

"Sure what is it?" she placed her full attention on him.

" When was your last relationship?"

"since I was 16, what about you"

"uh...ha." he scratched the back of his head

"well"  Sue-Ann insisted

"well I had one real girlfriend but she wasn't the one and it was three years ago"

"What you mean she wasn't the one?" 

"She betrayed me"

"Oh, wow, so did she like...cheat on you? or.." 

"yeah something like that" he laughed shaking his head slightly 

"I'm sorry "

"eh it's fine" he chuckles then looks down at his watch "Alright, we have 4 more hours to go," Luca said, Sue-Ann put her head on his shoulder and dozed off. he turns his head to look at her.

' You're so beautiful' he placed his fingers on her chin causing her to wake up. he lifts her head, and they stared into each other's eyes, he kissed her lips softly and she returned the kiss. It felt good. They were both enjoying the moment.
'I wish I could make this last forever,' Luca thought. She pulled away making Luca look at her confused.
"We shouldn't." She says

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