The Horrible Deal

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Chapter 12
Recap: Luca stopped her.

"Grazie Fiona" She looks down at the floor and her face was full of sadness.

"...Prego Luca" (you're welcome Luca) she says before unlocking her car and entering it with her bags -Fiona picked up her phone and searched for someone. She hesitated before calling, her fingertip hovering over the number while she looked back and forth on the road to the phone. She clicks on the contact and the phone starts ringing, and someone picked up.

"Salve?" A man with a rough voice answers

"Ciao Moretti?"

"Oh! Ciao, Fiona. Come stai? Hai preso una decisione?" (Oh! Hi Fiona. how are you?

have you made a decision?)

"Yes, but I have something else to lay on the offer..."

"Oh, and what's that..." his deep voice rumbles, giving a vibration sensation.

Meanwhile, Sue-Ann couldn't stop laughing as Luca was giving her cute jokes and overall just looking at her. She laughs because it's her way of blushing.
"Omg I'm going to cry," she says while laughing hard. She tries to fan her eyes.

"Why are you crying " he laughs as he pulls up to the gates and his guards opened them for him. He looks into her eyes and they started to do a staring contest but then Sue-Ann looked away shyly while blushing.
"Have I ever told you how short you are?" he smiles, Sue-Ann's smile dropped and her face went emotionless she blankly stares at him, blinking slowly.
"Are you serious?" She asks.

"No I'm joking bebé" he laughs and his hand touched hers she brushes it off. "I'm joking" he went a little more serious, she raises an eyebrow and gives him a side-eye. "Ok I believe you...ish"

"Ish?" his nose scrunch up.

"Yes ish" he leaned over and kisses her cheek, then backs up and smiled at her while looking at her lips, she was doing the same then she looks at his eyes, and he does the same thing a second after. He leaned in further and she came closer to him and they kissed. He puts his hand on the side of her face and went full-on. Sue-Ann paused and spoke softly.

"Let's get inside" she smiles, he kisses her one last time before opening her door from her side then his. They picked up the tremendous amount of big shopping bags, Luca had three bags on each arm, Sue-Ann carried the two that were left, and a couple of boxes stacked on each other. He opened the door and placed the bags on the couch. She did the same. Then turned around to close the door. He crept up behind her and snaked his hands around her waist. She felt something poking the top of her bum, she starts to giggle. "I feel something, love." He starts kissing her hand that she placed on his jaw.
"I wanna do something," she said, he lets her go and she leads him to the other couch. He sits down and she goes on top of him but doesn't sit down.
"Where are your airpods?" She asks lending out her hand. He gets up from his pocket and took out the airpods then put them in her hands. She connected the earbuds to her phone and went on a song playlist she made. She put on a mischievous smile and then clicked on a song. She inserts one of the airpods in his ear as the song fades in then she sits on top of him and puts her arms around his neck. As the song starts

Shut up and listen.. she slowly grinds in circles while she looks deep into his eyes. She continues and he puts his hands on her ass and spreads his finger. She ticked and reversed whine on him.

I need you to tell me the truth. Shut up and listen look in my eyes Don't ever lie need you to tell me the truth...

She starts to ride him when Angelica starts to sing her part more like a body roll on his body. Luca gained a huge grin on his face, she runs her fingers in his hair on the back of his head, then pulls his head back and kisses his neck slowly. He gave her a smack on her ass while he let out small laughs. She trails the kisses up to his lips but stopped. Then used her tongue to tease his lips by hovering it over his lips with a tiny space between them both. He opens his mouth and put his tongue on hers, now they began to devour each other's taste. They started to make out.

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