First Wedding Of The Season

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Chapter 27

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: My Dear, Readers your forgetful novelist forgot the number of chapters her book has and miscounted THREE times, I apologize deeply for the confusion, recaps have not been in the frontlines but dw I did say whenever certain activities arise from the chapters, no further yapping..enjoy chapter 27, addio <3)

This is the day ..the day Alonzo dreaded to come, one that he doesn't want to be going through. His bride-to-be is officially in Italy ready to take on the formidable challenge of marrying someone at her age. The wedding dress was picked out and everything, so it's now time..for the wedding...

Alonzo, Damian, Lauro, Luca, and Alonzo's dad were in a room getting ready. Alonzo was in front of a large body mirror, looking annoyed and irritated tying his black satin tie, wearing a white dress shirt and a black vest, black pants with black shiny derby shoes. His hair was in a side part combed over. Luca had already been ready and waiting for his best friend to wear his clothes. Lauro steps outside for a few minutes before coming back in with his phone in hand waving it to get the guys' attention silently. Alonzo who was before the mirror didn't turn around he was still busy fixing himself up, putting his tie in the right place then folding his collar.

"The wedding has started we should leave now they are waiting for the ..groom." Lauro cleared his throat before he said groom.  Alonzo sighed then turned around to pick up his black jacket off the chair behind him to put it on.
He stepped out the door.

Meanwhile at the church- at 9 am

The guests gathered inside the church and interestingly divided themselves. The Arabians are seated on the left side of the church, about 20 of them, who must be the bride's family and friends. The rest behind and on the opposite side of the church are Fonso's family and friends, about 30 persons from the Italian side. Sue-Ann and Alaine are at the front waiting for everything to start. Luca's family stepped into the entrance of the small yet big enough church that accommodated 100 churchgoers. Xiamora came to the door and eagerly looked around peeking over the guests' heads to look for Sue-Ann. As she stepped she looked into every row until she saw her at the front, she walked quickly towards her. Xiamora stops beside her.

"Sister, ciao long time no see!"

"Xiamora heyy, it is" Then it clicked in Sue-Ann's head "Did you call me sister??" Xiamora made a nod. "Come sit, sit, no one is sitting here" Alaine looks at Sue-Ann her expression asking Sue-Ann 'who is she?'. "Xiamora this is my best friend, Alaine, Alaine this is Xiamora Luca's baby sister"

Alaine makes a neutral smile and waves " hello"

"Hello, you are Lauro's girlfriend right?" When she spoke the "are " given the sound of the double rr, Xiamora seems to be learning to speak English, she's doing great so far.

"Mhm, how do you know that?"

"They mentioned your name all the time" she giggled, her voice is so cute, it's low yet feminine perfect for her.

"Xiamora!" Luca's mother yelled for her missing child but she wasn't too loud however Mrs Barone spots her at the front. She walked up and was about to scold her but she saw Sue-Ann.

"Good morning Mrs Barone" Sue-Ann bows her head and says it softly. Aida sighs.

"Buongiorno dear, have you been well?" Sue-Ann felt like she was being fake because of the people around her, but Mrs. Barone was being open to her.

"I'm fine miss thank you for asking, how are you?"

"I'm doing great thanks, have a good time darling "

"Thanks, Mrs. Barone you too" She smiles at Sue-Ann softly, and Sue-Ann returns it. Aida turned her head to the side and saw Lauro's parents coming from outside looking for a seat, Manfredo sat three rows behind the girls and that's where Aida would be sitting too. She went and greeted the couple, giving hugs and kisses. after a few minutes, the officiant came in and stood at the alter dragging everyone's attention followed by another person, a 5"11 male, skinny, with a heavy beard with a gel comb over and distinctive Arabian features in a suit stood next to the officiant with a Qur'an in his hand. Everyone went silent. Luca came inside from a back door and walked up to Sue-Ann.

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