"What The Hell? Kidnapped???"

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                                                                 Chapter 13

Recap: "Luca we have a problem" he sighed. 

"What is it?"

"Uh..." He let out a small chuckle. He clears his throat before speaking " It's Sue-Ann -"

Luca answers before Lauro could even finish his sentence"-What is wrong with her?" Lauro puts his fist between his teeth.
"We can't find her" Luca laughs

"You joking right?" The line went silent. 

"Can't we call the police or even get the security?" Alaine spoke.

"Sh woman" Lauro shushes her. 

"Is that her best friend?"


" Ok then stop playing and tell me that you are joking" 

"Boss I'm not lying" Luca's heart sunk

"What the fuck you mean, where is she?? What happened?"

"She went to the bathroom and we thought that she would come back but she hasn't, we searched for her but all we found was her phone on the bathroom floor.." Luca hung up the call and called Sue-Ann's phone, it rang in Armando's hand he hesitated to answer. He put the phone to his ear.


"... What the fuck? where is Sue-Ann Armando?" 

"Boss we can't find her" 

"Gesù Cristo...(Jesus Christ...) " Luca ran his hand through his hair, he was at one of his restaurants, in the office. he stood up and repeated

"Gesù Cristo (Jesus Christ)" He grabbed his coat and things then went out the office door. 

"Armando vorrei che tu ed Emiliano perquisiste l'aeroporto verrà inviato altro aiuto (Armando I would like you and Emiliano to search the airport, more help will be sent)"

"Si capo" Luca hung up and called back Lauro's phone. " Manderò lì degli uomini a cercare il suo soggiorno. Sto arrivando. (I'll be sending some men there to search for her, stay. I'm coming)"
"Ok boss" Luca called a man at the warehouse and he called all the men at the building to go to the airport to search for Sue-Ann. Luca gave him orders to tell everyone to wear casual clothing to blend with the crowd.
" Is Fiona there?" Luca asks the man on the phone 

"No, she isn't and she didn't come today either" 

"Huh okay, I'll call her then" he called her after he ended the call with the man. Her phone went to voicemail. So he called her again and the same thing happened again. He drove to the airport as quickly as he can. He came in through the doors and instantly saw Lauro and Alaine, Alaine was sitting down and her leg was shaking out of irritation, Lauro had his hand on his chin, looking out in the distance. Luca walked up to them.
" Hello, I'm Luca, nice to meet you?.." he drew it out like he wanted her to state her name, his hand was out for her to shake she held it and talked to him.
"Alaine, nice to finally meet you" She shook his hand, and Lauro looks down at the floor. Luca looks at him and he had a look of disappointment and frustration in his eyes. 

"I told you to keep her safe" he spat 

"I didn't know that she would get taken away,"  Lauro argued back.

"Cazzo Lauro!" He placed his hand in his hair, gripping it and then letting go. His hand went to his side and the other hand rub his forehead. "Take her to the villa and stay with her" He points his head to Alaine. Alaine looks at him as he spoke those words.

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