A Relationship Come True

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Here I am again crying over some stupid thing...Is this a sign that the relationship won't ever work...God, is this a sign? I sat in the bathroom on the toilet, silently crying. Eyes red, runny, nose, trembling voice... crying over the fact his mom doesn't like me and his father seems to hate me too. I felt scorned

'Do I look like I'm not good enough?' there was whispering outside the bathroom door and I ignored them, it sounded like three people; Lauro, Alaine, and Luca.

"She's been in there for an hour, I've been trying to talk to her but she won't respond," Luca says to the two.

"Alaine, have you tried?" Lauro asked her.

"No I haven't, I didn't know she was in there for that long, thanks for telling me" She stepped towards the door. Then I heard a knock. "Sue-Ann?" She called

I sniffled "Yes?" 

"Can I come in?" I got up and hid behind the door while unlocking it, she walked in slowly and then closed the door behind her. She went in for a hug and I broke down as I went into her arms

"I'm so fucking stupid aren't I?"

"Of course, you are not girl. It's all what they think and what they don't know."

"I can't take it anymore, sometimes I wonder if all of this is just a waste of time and energy"

"Cosa sta succedendo? (What is going on?)" Alonzo came into the room clueless and asked his friends who were silently standing outside waiting for the girls to come out. 

"It's alright stop e bawling " (stop the crying ) Alaine hushed as we sat on the bathroom floor on a carpet. She held me in her arms and I started to calm down. My heart was becoming steady as I closed my eyes. I felt at peace now. She rubs her thumb on my forehead as a finishing act. 

"You Alright now ma?" I nodded, a shaky breath released from off my chest. She kissed my forehead before we released ourselves from the embrace. Luca sat on the bed and ran his hand through his hair.

(View of last night)

Sue-Ann walked inside sluggishly and went straight up to her room. Luca walked behind her while being silent, feeling guilty. There wasn't anyone at home yet just the two. She opened her room door and stepped inside, she turned to him and gave him a faint smile, "Night" she whispered. he returned the smile and told her, "Sleep well" She closed the door. 

"Cazzo" he muttered.

At that moment someone came through the door downstairs. He walked down to see who it was, It was Alonzo. He stormed in and threw his keys on the island in the kitchen.

"Cazzo!" He hissed, he walked downstairs to ask what had happened 

"Alonzo, qual è il problema?" (Alonzo what is the problem?)

" I miei genitori hanno fatto qualcosa di orribile.."  ( It's my parents, they did something horrible )

"Ah stesso fratello cosa c'è di nuovo?" (Ah same brother, what's new?) He said sarcastically relating to Alonzo's problem. "Cos'è successo?" (What happened?)

"..Mi hanno contratto "(..They contracted me [off] ) 

"Che cosa!?" (What!?)

"I can't believe this"

"Me either Fonso..to whom??"

"A girl from Tunisia, I don't know her name or where the hell that is" Moments later thudding was outside on the door. Lauro came inside with Alaine on top of him, he grabs the door handle to open it further, kissing eachother intensely. Luca and Alonzo looked up and over to see who is coming inside. Their eyes widened, Lauro and Alaine just kept coming " We should see if they're awake" Alaine breathed. Alonzo and Luca cleared their throats at the same time, causing Lauro to instantly put Alaine down in a panick. He let out a cough as he adjusted his pants. Alaine act like she was looking for something on the floor.

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