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i remember you said you were scared...
and so was i...


ROBIN STOOD THERE in shock, rubbing her eyes a few times to see if it was just a hallucination. there was no way her boyfriend was cheating on her, right? however, no matter how many times she rubbed her eyes, aidan was still sitting right there making out with another girl. tears formed in her eyes as she watched, unable to do anything.

she ran past him, bumping into him on purpose. he turned around, looking for the person that hit him, and saw robin running away. he sighed to himself, knowing she had seen him. he ran after her and caught up pretty easily, since he was sober and she was almost blackout drunk. he grabbed ahold of her wrist, spinning her around to face him.


"let go of me!" she yelled, causing many people to look over. he looked down at her. she was very clearly drunk, and her face was covered in tears. she began trying to yank her wrist away and ended up falling backwards from how hard she was tugging.

"shit! are you ok-"

"shut up! don't talk to me!"

"robin i-"

"leave me alone!! i don't want anything to do with you!"

"oh yeah? how are you going to get home?"

"i'll walk," she slurred, picking herself off the ground.

he scoffed, "yeah okay"

he walked off, leaving robin there alone. everyone looked at the two of them before going back to dancing and talking. robin brushed herself off and got up, stumbling outside. she began walking home, not even sure if she was going the right direction. she was just walking and crying with no true destination.

while robin was walking, nancy was out driving around. she was trying to clear her head from everything that's been going on. she was blasting music with the windows rolled down, trying to get all of the negative thoughts out of her mind.

that's when she saw someone stumbling down the side of the street. she slowed down, driving only two miles per hour to keep up with the person on the sidewalk. she didn't know who it was, but she wanted to make sure they were alright.

"hey, are you okay?" she yelled out the window, turning her music down. the person looked at her, and she recognized the face. it was robin. "robin?"

"what are you doing here?" robin slurred, looking at nancy.

"are you drunk?" nancy asked, getting only a nod in reply. she put her car in park and climbed out of the car. "c'mon, i'm taking you home"

robin was too drunk to fight her, so she allowed nancy to help her into the car and get her seatbelt on. nancy climbed back into the drivers seat and began driving.

while getting robin into the car, nancy had noticed that robin was crying. she couldn't help but wonder what was happening and why robin was crying. she didn't want to ask out of the blue, so she figured if robin brought it up, she'd ask.

"so...did you go to a party or something?" nancy asked, glancing over at robin. robin gave a small nod. "how was it?"

"awful," robin replied, wiping some of the tears off her face.

"why? what happened?"

"aidan cheated on me," robin admitted, her voice breaking a bit.

nancy frowned, feeling awful for robin. she'd been cheated on in the past- she knew how it felt. she already had figured that aidan looked like the "cheater type", but now her suspicions were true. "i'm so sorry. he's a dick"

"why would he do it? was i not good enough?" she asked, another tear rolling down her face.

"he did it because he's an asshole, robin. you didn't do anything wrong, it was just his fucked up mind that was wrong. he didn't deserve you, you're perfect"

robin looked over at nancy, giving her a nod and a small smile. "thank you"

nancy smiled to herself. "you're welcome"


nancy helped robin inside, letting robin put almost all of her weight on her. she helped her up he stairs, though robin was still struggling. all of the loud noises had caused steve to poke his head out of his room. upon seeing robin, he left his room and rushed over to them.

"shit, is she okay?" he asked nancy, a concerned look on his face.

"she's very, very drunk. and sad. but besides that, she's okay" nancy assured him, helping robin into her room.

"hi stevie," robin said with a small giggle, and it reminded him of the robin he knew. the pre-accident robin.

"hey, rob," steve said back, following the two into robin's room.

nancy helped her into bed and glanced over at steve. "can you stay with her for a minute while i grab her some water?"

"yeah, sure. not a problem," steve replied, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. nancy left the room, leaving her and steve in there alone.

"is nancy mad at me?" robin asked, looking at steve.

steve shook his head. "she's just a little hurt, rob. that's all"

"hurt? why?"

"she heard what you said to aidan. about wishing she would leave you alone"

"oh...." robin trailed off, looking down. "well, you don't have to worry about aidan anymore"

"why?" steve asked, cocking his eyebrow.

"he cheated on me. at the party"

"i'm sorry," steve said, giving her a sympathetic look.

"it's okay, he wasn't the nicest"

"what do you mean?"

"well, he'd say mean things and then say nice things afterwards so i'd forgive him"

nancy came back with the water, which ended their conversation. she handed the glass to robin, telling her to drink it to help with the hangover she'd have tomorrow.

"i want to sleep," robin said, looking at steve and nancy.

steve nodded, looking at robin. "okay. goodnight robin"

"night," she said as steve left. she looked over at nancy, who still remained in the room. nancy took out some comfy clothes from robin's drawer and held them out to her.

"want to change?" she asked. robin nodded, taking the clothes. nancy turned around while robin changed, and turned back around when robin said she was done. "where's your makeup wipes? i'll take your makeup off for you"

nancy followed robin's directions and found some makeup wipes. she returned to robin with one and gently placed a hand under robin's chin to hold her face up. she angled it up slightly as she wiped robin's face, removing her makeup. once she was done, she let go of robin's face. she was about to move away when something amazing happened.

robin pulled her in and kissed her.

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