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and i know you don't remember calling me...
but i told you even then you looked so pretty..


ROBIN AWOKE THE next morning, already excited for the night ahead of her. she washed her face and brushed her teeth before heading downstairs, finding only steve in this kitchen.

"where's nancy?" robin asked as she searched the cabinets for breakfast.

"she said she had a few errands to run. i'm assuming it's related to your date tonight," robin nodded in understanding as she poured a bowl of cereal. "speaking of, where are you taking her?"

"i'm thinking a picnic could be cute? i don't know. i don't remember ever going on dates. would nancy even like a picnic?"

"she would. she loves the outdoors"

"great! then that's what i'll do. should i buy flowers? i feel like i should buy flowers"

"she loves flowers too. tulips are her favorite"

"thanks for your help, steve. you're awesome," robin smiled, eating a spoonful of cereal. "i'm gonna finish this in my room while i get ready to go to the store"

"okay, if you need anything, call me"

"i will!" robin smiled again, walking back upstairs.


after finishing her bowl of cereal, robin got dressed and brushed her hair. she grabbed her purse and keys and headed to her car.

on the drive, she was happy and smiling the whole way. she was ecstatic about going out with nancy. she practiced asking nancy to be her girlfrienda few times, just so she wouldn't mess up. she did this the whole time until she parked in a parking spot at the grocery store.

while inside, she looked at the flowers. she found some beautiful purple tulips and picked those. on her way to the checkout, she saw aidan entering the same aisle she was in. she tried to get away before he saw her, but she failed.

"robin!" aidan shouted down the aisle, practically running towards her with his cart. "wait up!"

"what do you want?"

"a second chance....or third chance. whatever chance we're on, i want another one. i messed up. i didn't mean to hurt you. i love you, robin"

"too bad i don't love you. i'm not giving you any more chances. in fact, i literally don't care about you. as you may see, i have flowers in my hand. they're for the date i have tonight," robin replied with a smug smile on her face.


"yep. and it's with someone better than you'll ever be," robin gave him a sarcastic smile and walked off.

after that encounter, robin got out of the store as quickly as possible. she went straight to the checkout, bought her flowers and food, and went home. she went back inside, finding steve, and still no nancy.

"nancy still not back?"

"nope. she said she'd be gone for a while"

"good, cause i got her these," robin showed steve the flowers, "but i may have ran into aidan"

"what?!" steve exclaimed.

"i know. but, i told him off. which was so fun"

"you told him off?! i'm so proud of you! tell me the details!"

robin told steve about the whole encounter while she made their picnic food, and once they were done with their conversation, robin went back to her room. it was already 3pm by now, and robin didn't want to be late.

so once again, she showered, she shaved, she did her makeup, and she did her hair. once she was done, she picked out a simple outfit that was perfect for her plan. light blue ripped jeans, a black cropped shirt, and converse. she brought a jacket in case she gets cold as well.

and, before robin knew it, it was already almost six, which was the time they planned on leaving. robin quickly ran downstairs and grabbed the basket of food, along with a blanket. she put them in the trunk of her car and went back upstairs.

she grabbed her purse, keys, and the flowers, and went downstairs. she did a quick sweep for nancy on the lower level, but didn't find her. so, she waited at the bottom of the stairs with the tulips she bought for her.

nancy left her room only a few moments later, coming down the stairs. when she saw robin, she smiled ear to ear.

"are those for me?" she asked, her smile growing even bigger.

"nah, they're for steve," robin joked as she handed them to nancy. nancy laughed and looked down at the bouquet.

"they're perfect," she looked back up at robin, "just like you"

robin blushed. "before we go, let's put those in a vase so they don't die"

the two found a vase and put the flowers in it. then, as they were about to leave, steve found them. he insisted on taking a picture of them before they left, as any mom would.

once they finally made it out the door, robin drove them to a secluded park about thirty minutes away from their house. they both got out of the car, and robin grabbed the basket and blanket from the back.

"a picnic?" nancy asked with a smile. "i love picnics!"

"i'm glad to hear that. i was hoping you did"

they made their way to the perfect spot. it was under a tree, which blocked the sun from shining in their eyes. it also provided some shade, and, as an added bonus, it was flat land in front of them. this meant they could watch the sun set.

"this is the best date ever," nancy commented as they both looked around at the peaceful spot surrounding them.

robin smiled. "i was hoping you'd say that"

they began eating the food robin had prepared- sandwiches, fruit, lemonade, cupcakes, and cheese and crackers.

"i know it's not exactly the best food, but there wasn't many options that could all fit in this basket," robin commented as they ate their food.

"robin, it's perfect. don't stress so much. i love it all"

this eased robin's nerves a bit, and they both continued eating. after finishing their food, they watched the sun go down. they stayed in their spot, even though it was now dark.

robin leaned over and kissed nancy. after the two pulled away, robin asked the question she'd been so nervous to ask the whole day.

"will you be my girlfriend?" she questioned nervously.

"of course i will," nancy smiled, and the two kissed again.

and, just like that, all was right in the world for both nancy and robin.


a/n: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! starting the month strong with ronance. and no, this isn't the end either 💋💋 i still have more lyrics from the song 😭

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