Chapter III

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Abdul's POV

Travelling for business was the most amazing part of my life.

I enjoyed it, maybe I enjoyed it too much but it was my way of escaping reality. Honestly, I hated my mother's constant attempts to make me settle down or date someone.

And by someone I mean Layla.

I can't bring myself to commit to a relationship after what happened with Nikki. I remember my father trying to make mother change her mind but she was just not ready to accept her.

I have been avoiding her ever since.

I promised myself that I would take Nikki's advice, that is what I have been doing for the past five years.

I have tried dating countless women but something is always wrong with them or maybe it was me.

At this point I really don't care, some call me a playboy but I'm not the one who approaches them, they hit on me and if I'm in the mood, I fuck them.

That is the world I am in now and I'm comfortable with it because strings result in more problems that I have no time for.

Besides, no one will ever be good enough to my mother unless it's Layla. I can't believe she still thinks that I would marry her, yes it's been five years and she is still lurking around.

We landed and I found Aziz waiting for me but I couldn't see Zahra, which is weird because they are always together. Talk about twins marrying each other, I have never seen a couple that does every single thing together as they do.

"Hey man! Where is Zee?", I said giving him a bro hug. "She went to see her BFF", he said taking my laptop bag. It was normal for them to pick me up whenever I travelled, it was kind of our thing.

I hated the family drivers, they were mother's puppets plus, I didn't want them in my house.

Yes, I moved out of the family compound the moment I became CEO of Qadir Transit Limited.

I was good at what I did which made my father resign. I was now tasked with paying him as an employee, weird, I know.

It was his way of making sure he got a return on his investment.

"Zahra doesn't have a BFF", I said getting into the passenger seat. "She does, something about a longtime friend, she was in a hurry so I didn't ask much", he said while driving without a care in the world.

Ok, that was new, Zahra was very picky when it came to friends and it was weird that she just got someone out of nowhere. I decided to drop the conversation until I sqlaw her.

"Thanks, Aziz", I said when he dropped me off.

It was a big house and I knew that but I like space and having a housekeeper made it less lonely.

Lucinda was one strict woman.

I was about to fire her when I saw her with my mother but it all changed when she stood up to her. It was a nice thing to see so I changed my mind.

I wanted to have people that I could trust, not puppets like the guards or other workers from our family compound.

I can't believe the rest of my siblings are still living there.

I remember how shocked my brother was when I packed my bags and left. He couldn't form words. Mother didn't talk to me for days and I didn't care.

I took a shower and then went straight to bed. I needed sleep to collect energy to deal with my mother the following day.

It was family day every Sunday and no one missed lunch.

"You won't believe who I ran into", Zahra said dragging me away from everyone. I was confused. I raised my brows telling her to go on.

"Nikki, I met Nikki!", she said with excitement. My heart almost jumped out of my chest but I played it cool. "And?", I asked pretending not to care. She rolled her eyes unlocking her phone to show me a bunch of pictures she took with her.

She looked gorgeous, better than she did before, but what caught my eyes was the kids that Zahra was hugging, one of them looked like a mini version of her.

I felt angry, betrayed, and hurt like she did something wrong.

She moved on, just like she told me the last time I saw her. The last time she kissed me and even though it was a long time ago, I could still remember how her lips felt like on my forehead.

I had no idea I was panting until Zahra snapped her fingers on my face. "Are you ok?", "Yes, why wouldn't I be?", "Come on Abdul it's me. I know how you feel about her and I know that you haven't moved on". "Maybe, but she has. Are those her kids?", the words came out with a bitter taste.

"Yes, and the father is not in the picture", "What?", "I know what you were thinking and I know it's not my story to tell but yeah. The guy just went MIA on her... just so you know".

I was about to ask her to tell me more but mother found us and we had to stop the conversation for obvious reasons.

"Abdul, how are you my son?", "I'm fine mother, how are you?", "I'm happy now that you are here, come... let's go eat", she said pulling my hand, I turned to Zahra.

She had a cheesy smile on her face.

"Abdul, did Zahra share the good news with you?", father asked when it was only me and Ahmed remaining at the dining table. "What news?", Ahmed asked. "Zahra saw Nikki at the central shopping mall, they even went together to her apartment, when she came back she was so excited and happy.

Remember how they used to be close, they were inseparable. I'm happy she has her friend back and her kids are adorable too", the way father talked about it, was as if he was with them.

He really liked Nikki.

I remember being jealous of her once but then I got the biggest prize of them all, her heart.

"So what are you going to do about it son?", "Nothing. She told me to move on and that is what I'm doing", "Have you though?", father asked with a smile.

"Have I what?", "Moved on?", I couldn't form any words so I just remained quiet.

He knew my weakness.

He knew when it came to Nikki, I'm a goner but, I was not about to admit that to him or my brother.

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