chapter one | strangers

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It had been a couple trips to the book store before I started to lose hope and thought that I would never see this man again.

Maya's book store was becoming a routine now. Everyday I would bring Maya her favorite, an iced americano. I never understood how she could drink those but to each their own. It was my way of saying "Thank you for letting me read the books you have for sale without having to actually buy them."

I sat in the same spot everyday and tried to scan the room for a better reading spot than mine. Maybe that's where he was. Maybe he was apart of my imagination. Maybe I was hallucinating.

"Looking for anyone?" Maya asked as she picked up my watered down iced latte, dripping with condensation, and placing a wooden coaster underneath.

I could tell she saw every time my body would tense up when I heard the bell chime.

I sighed.

"Alina, you know I love your company. Im just curious."

"Well, do you remember that man who bought those three Elvis Presley records two weeks ago? I regret never getting his name. For some reason I think about him at least once a day. Maybe I'm just waiting for him to walk through that door again."

"You mean to tell me this whole time you have been waiting for Austin?"

We share a moment of silence staring at each other.

"You mean to tell me this whole time you knew who he was and you didn't tell me? You literally acknowledged me staring at him the first time I saw him!"

"I didn't realize you had a crush on my nephew!"

My jaw dropped.

"He's probably not around because he's been preparing for this big role he just got. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say for what but I'm sure you'll hear about it soon. I can call him if you want me to?"

"Okay Maya, let's not do that. I had no idea. I'm so sorry."

The doorbell chimes and I hear heavy footsteps walking towards us. Maya is standing in front of me blocking my view of who walked through the door.

The figure became larger the closer this person got. A warm sent of vanilla and tobacco kisses my nose. My heart drops.

Just my fucking luck.

"Hey Aunt Maya, sorry to bother you, I'll be quick. Did you get those books I asked you to order?"

He flashes an apologetic smile at me for interrupting.

I start collecting my things quietly as a I sneak my way out the store once she leads Austin to the back room.


The sound of the door closing cuts off Maya's sentence. I scramble to get the car keys out of my bag but once I start the car I take off back to my apartment.

I drove home in complete silence. I'm not sure how I made it either because I was just daydreaming the entire drive. I pictured that sweet smile over and over again trying to remember what his cologne smelled like.

I have to just shake it off. I have no business crushing on anyone right now. I already told myself I'm gonna let the universe work it's magic and whatever happens, will happen.

I continue my normal routine. I cook myself dinner almost every night. I am still used to cooking for two so I made a plate to leave at my neighbors door. He might be a grumpy old man but he is lonely so I don't mind.

I draw my bath with some overly lavender scented oils and bath salts I was gifted from my mother for Christmas last year. Scrolling through my dating app messages I try to get my mind off of things. I send a couple simple emojis to keep the boring conversations going. I'm not that interested but it does help past the time.


It had been a couple days where I skipped out on stopping at the book store

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It had been a couple days where I skipped out on stopping at the book store. I was somewhat embarrassed since I found out I wanted to climb Maya's nephew like a tree.

Maya slaps down a book titled "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" by Raymond Carver. My somewhat watered down iced latte sat next to it.

"This is a good one, I think you'll thank me for it later." She winks.

I smile and thank Maya making my way towards my usual spot.

I'm about 50 pages in at this point. Surprisingly this book is pretty sad. Not sure what Maya is trying to hint at me.

"My name's Austin by the way."

I jump dropping the book in my lap in horror. I hate being snuck up on. I haven't even realized yet that Austin was standing in front of me with his hands stuffed in his front pockets.

"Well Austin, you just scared the shit out of me." I let out a deep breath.

Recollecting myself, I sit up and lay the book down on the shelf next to me. I prop myself up to sit up straight.

"I'm Alina, nice to meet you."

"That's a good book you got there. It's actually one of my favorites. What do you think of it so far?"

My eyes make their way to Maya at the front desk. She's has a cheeky smile plastered on her face.

I give her my best "I'm gonna kill you" eyes.

My eyes trail to make their way to meet Austin's.

"It's actually pretty sad. It is a good book though, so I see why it could be someone's favorite."

He chuckles at my remark.

His laugh is so deep and raspy. His voice melts my insides.

"Follow me, I'll show you to best part of this place." He signals for me to follow him.

I get up and slide my hands down my black skirt to fix it. I came straight here after my boring desk job.

I follow Austin making sure to take in the smell of his cologne with notes of saffron, tobacco, vanilla, and bourbon. We stop at what looks like a door way that used to have a door on it but is now dividing the room with two long red curtains. It looks like somewhere you definitely aren't allowed to enter without permission.

I look at him confused. "Are we allowed back here?"

"My aunt kinda owns the place so I think she'll be okay." He flashes me a smile after his sarcastic remark.

Austin pushes the curtain above his head and makes way for me to enter first. I enter seeing a giant grey beanbag chair lay next to piles and piles of books. The room is the size of a janitor closet. The only thing lighting up the room are white Christmas string lights that are being held up by thumbtacks on the wall.

"Welcome to Casa Butler." Austin plops down on the giant beanbag. His legs stretched out in front of him slightly spread. I can't help but take a peak when he's not looking.

"Pretty nice set up you've got back here. Is this where you take every girl you meet at the book store?"

"Only the pretty ones."

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