chapter six | surprise

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My heart is heavy knowing that this is Austin's last week before leaving to Australia. I googled the time difference between Australia and California at least twice a day.

I had been planning out a surprise party for his farewell with one of his friends he had introduced me to named Ashley.

We had already arranged for Austin to meet her for lunch tomorrow while I set up decorations in his condo. Since he gave me a key the last time we hung out, I thought it would be a better idea than my apartment to host a party for his rich friends. I knew none of them so I left the invitation list to Ashley to handle.

After I got the all clear from Ashley I made my way into his condo. I wanted to keep the theme to something related to Elvis so I decorated with a Luau theme, with Blue Hawaii in mind, one of our favorite movies to watch together.

I had a cake made in the shape of a ukulele, fresh flowers,  pineapples and coconuts everywhere, and a big banner that said "Miss You Already."

The crowd of successful people started to slowly make their way in, everyone thanking me for planning this for him.

Once everyone arrived and was wearing their lei's I texted Ashley to tell let her know we were ready.


It was nice to see Ashley before I leave this weekend. The only thing on my mind though,  is when I'm going to see Alina. I left her a text message this morning asking if we could go to dinner tonight but she has yet to respond.

Ashley basically invited herself to my apartment but I don't mind. We've been friends for at least a decade now.

I open up the front door to my place to be bombarded by a loud "SURPRISE!" Airhorns are blowing, confetti is being popped, and Alina is standing in front of me holding a cake in the shape of a ukulele that reads "missing you already."

She looks stunning. Her hair is wavier than usual with small dainty flowers laying on her head and a huge smile on her face. She's wearing a short Forrest green dress with flowers all over, that hugs her body beautifully and compliments her glowing tan skin.

"This was all Alina's idea." Ashley says hugging Alina from the side.

"Alina you didn't have to do all this. This is incredible. Thank you."

"I thought it would be nice for you to have your family and friends around before you leave." She says setting the cake down and embracing me.

I say hello to all of my guests and thank them for coming, there's plenty here that I haven't spoken to in a while so I'm going to assume Ashley had something to do with the guest list.

I hear a familiar voice come from the entrance of my condo. "Surprise!"

My ex-girlfriend Vanessa walks through the door.

I look over to Ashley and she looks just as surprised as I am. I look over to Alina and she still has no clue, she's just worried about making sure no one puts down a drink without a coaster or if they want another slice of cake.

I make my way over to Ashley. "What the fuck is going on?"

"Austin I promise I would not invite her. She must have heard from somebody else here. I'm sorry."

Vanessa makes her way over to Ashley and I. "Hey you guys!" She pulls us both in for an unwanted hug.

"Hey Vanessa." I press my lips together giving her a small smile trying not to be rude.

Like I said, I have no issues with Vanessa, but this is not the time and place for this.


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