chapter two | cherry waves

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Did he just say what I think he said?

"My aunt put this place together for me when I was younger. I love to read out loud and I couldn't really do that in front of her customers all day."

Austin pats the empty spot on the beanbag directing me to sit down.

"I hope you give me permission to make this my new hiding spot as well." I laugh while sitting down next to him.

I reach for the first book of many in a pile next to us. "All the Forgiveness" by Elizabeth Hardinger.

"I wouldn't take you for the type that likes to read books like these." I say once I put the book back down.

He stretches his arm to reach for the book next to me. His muscles brush against me as he pulls the book towards him.

"I felt like I could have read this in one day but I wanted to savor every page. I could see myself reading this again. Definitely one of my all time favorite books."

He placed the book onto my lap and I started to read the blurb while he spoke.

"I think you should borrow it and give it a try. How about we meet back here in a couple days once your done. Maybe bring me one of yours and we can trade?"

"Sounds like a plan."

I handed him my phone so he could add his phone number. Once he gives it back I get up to start making my way out.

"I'll see you later Alina."



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Austin and I met at least twice a week. It's nice to be able to have someone to talk to now. We can talk about books for hours but sometimes we end up telling our own stories instead.

I break the comfortable silence while we read together. "I told my mom I joined a book club."

"You call this a book club?" Austin laughs.

He puts his book down and lays back to relax. He has a folded arm holding up his head facing towards me. His other hand runs through his hair and makes it way down to his bottom lip where he tugs on the skin underneath with his thumb and index finger.

"I think we should get out of here and get some drinks. It's Friday night anyways."

I slowly take my eyes away from the sentence I just finished in my book and make contact with his ocean eyes.

"Im still in work clothes Austin. You would have to give me some time to go home and get dressed."

"How about we meet at your place and take an Uber together? Say about an hour?" Austin says as he starts to collect his things, get up, and reach a hand out to help me up.

"You're pushing it Butler, I'll see you in an hour." I pull myself up while I grip his hand.


 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | AUSTIN BUTLERWhere stories live. Discover now