chapter fourteen | poison (NSFW)

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I toss and turn in bed thinking about Austin. Seeing him in person completely destroyed my recovery from heartbreak.

I want to see him so bad. My body has never craved someone's touch like I crave his. I stare at my phones clock that reads "2:36 a.m."

I sent him a text.

He never texted me back, I feel so embarrassed

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He never texted me back, I feel so embarrassed. Twenty minutes pass by of me contemplating my life decisions, getting ready to just go to sleep, when I hear my phone ring. Austin's face lights up on my phone.

"Hi." I say softly.

"What room number?" He asks sternly.


He hangs up the phone without saying a word. Five minutes later I hear a knock at my door.

Holy shit.

My heart feels like it's going to pump out of my chest, my intestines are in knots, and my fingertips go numb.

"Hi." I say softly opening the door.

"Hi." He replies chewing the inside of his cheek.

He makes his way in and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Alina, I regret everyday what I did. That was not me. That role completely fucked me up in the head. Once you left, I was spiraling. You were the only thing keeping me sane. I was basically forced by Baz to start seeing her. He convinced me that I would ruin the entire movie and my career if I didn't. I shouldn't have done it and I should've have talked to you but I didn't want to lose you. I can't tell you how sorry I am."


"It hurt me even more when I heard you crying over the phone. I felt like the worst person in the world. I promised you I would take care of you and I hurt you. You are the most important thing in my life. Not the movie, not my career, you. I would do anything for you Alina."

I stand closer to him as he lays his head on my stomach and starts to cry. I run my hand through his hair softly to try and comfort him.

I have a million thoughts running through my mind as I listen to him cry on me. I want to believe him. I want to forgive him.

"Austin, I want to forgive you. But I can't do it so easily."

"You don't have to forgive me right now. Just let me show you how sorry I am." He says softly still looking down and wiping away his own tears.

I gently push his body back for him to lay down. I crawl on top of him and look at him in the eyes as I unbutton his shirt as I make my way up. His breathing gets harder the closer I get to his face. I kiss his neck as he throws his head back and closes his eyes.

"I've missed you so much." Austin whispers.

I straddle him and hover my lips over his before softly kissing him, I hold myself up with my hands on his stomach.

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