chapter eight | crave (NSFW)

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"I think you're gonna have a great time here." Austin says while lifting my belongings out of the trunk of the car. I can't help but stare at his biceps from taking out the heavy luggage to closing the trunk. He rolls them to the entrance of his rental home.

"How has filming been so far?" I ask looking around. The vintage wooden doors and old teak beams are stunning. I definitely could not afford a vacation like this if I didn't have Austin.

"I have to be honest, it's been hard. I have been struggling mentally trying to put myself into Elvis' shoes. But I think the movie is going to be amazing."

"I'm sure you're doing an amazing job. You are so dedicated and passionate about this. I couldn't imagine anyone else playing Elvis." I smile at him.

"Let me show you your room." He says rolling my luggage towards the narrow hallway, then stopping at the first door. The room is large with glass bi folding walls, that you can open up to enjoy fresh air. A garden surrounds the entire outside of the room. It has its own bathroom with a deep tub and a enormous connecting walk in closet.

"Austin this is beautiful." I say with my jaw dropped.

"I know right, you can stay longer if you want to." He smiles.

"I wish but I cant, I've gotta get back to working as soon as I get back to California."

"The offer is always on the table." He slaps the door frame before making his way out. "Freshen up, I'm starving and want to go get something to eat." He yells from the hallway, his voice echoing off the walls.

I hop in the shower and quickly wash my body and hair. I come out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel looking for my hair dryer.

"Are you almost done?" Austin says while opening the door to my room.

I clutch on tightly to the towel to make sure it doesn't fall.

"Almost." I hurry back to the bathroom and quickly blow dry my hair, leaving it a bit damp. I throw on a black mesh polka dot bodysuit, with white mom shorts, and a black belt to accentuate my waist. I throw on a light layer of makeup and my gold jewelry.

"Ready!" I yell out shuffling through my suitcase to find a purse to match.

"You look pretty." Austin says softly while leaning against the door frame to my room. He squeezes his bottom lip with his thumb and index finger slightly while looking me up and down.

"Thank you."

He opens the car door for me while I get in the passenger side of his car.

While Austin is driving I shuffle through the music on his phone until I find Diamond Eyes by Deftones, I press play and turn up the volume. Austin rolls down the windows knowing I'm about to put on a performance.

I hold my phone as if it's a microphone and begin to sign along, swaying my head dramatically with the wind blowing my hair. Austin sings along while laughing. One of my hands roams around my body seductively as I dance in my seat while still singing.

"Time will see us realign
Diamonds reign across the sky
Shower me into the same realm."

The song begins to fade as I turn down the volume, now out of breath, I clear my throat. "You're welcome, just saying." I begin collecting myself and fixing my hair as Austin puts the windows back up, still laughing.

We arrive to the beachside restaurant and we are seated outside overlooking the water. Austin orders my usual vodka cranberry and his whiskey even though I asked for an iced water.

"I'm glad you're here, and I'm glad I have tomorrow off. Not really sure what we should do though." Austin says to me while putting down his phone.

"Hm. You've been here for two months, I'm sure you know of a beach you can take me to."

 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | AUSTIN BUTLERWhere stories live. Discover now